[3830] WAE RTTY AA5AU Single Op LP

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Sun Nov 9 19:49:54 EST 2014

                    WAE DX Contest, RTTY

Call: AA5AU
Operator(s): AA5AU
Station: AA5AU

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Pts  QTCs  Mults
   80:   32          0    16
   40:   73         60    30
   20:  260        200    70
   15:  418        568    92
   10:  292        602    77
Total: 1075   0   1430   285  Total Score = 1,583,160

Club: Louisiana Contest Club


Didn't plan on spending this much time in the contest. The priorities for the
weekend were to get FT4TA in the log on 30 and 80 meters. I spent a good bit of
time calling them on 80 CW Friday night before finally making the contact. Then
did the same Saturday evening on 30 meter RTTY and worked them there to
complete the bands I needed.
Conditions were pretty good. Glad it was a "Work all Europe" contest
because there were a LOT of Europe! Fifteen was the best overall band for QSOs
and mults but ten was king for QTC traffic.
Having not done serious efforts in this contest for a couple few years, I
decided to go back to what I do best - low power. Running SO2R I devised a plan
to RECEIVE as many QTCs as possible. With two 2Tone decode windows and one MMTTY
window on each radio, receiving QTCs are nearly painless. While RECEIVING QTCs I
could still transmit legally on the other radio. This strategy worked very well.
Out of 1430 QTCs logged, I only sent 220 of them. In my case, it's better to
RECEIVE than to give. HI
There are still a lot of people who shy away from QTC traffic but that's OK.
And there are still some in Europe who believe they can only receive QTCs. In
those cases I had to send mine.
It was not a 100% all out effort. I took a lot of breaks and some time off to
help the XYL clean up the garage Sunday and took some time to go to the grocery
store before the end of the contest. After working FT4TA on 80, then on 30
meters, I didn't go back to the contest on the low bands and thus my low band
totals are, well, low.
One observation the past couple of RTTY contests. With the popularity of JT65
and JT9, the low end of the 10, 15 and 20 meter RTTY sub-bands are now .080. I
looked below .080 a couple of times on those bands but did not hear any RTTY
signals. I think this is a good thing.
I had a lot of fun. I really enjoy exchanging QTCs. It's a challenge, but with
2Tone and multiple decode windows, it's much easier than back in the day.
Thanks to everyone for the contacts. I don't know when I'll get a chance at
another decent effort in this contest so glad I was able to get some good seat
time this year in case conditions start to go down.

73, Don AA5AU

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