[3830] 2014 CWopsT - 1900Z Oct 8 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 10Oct2014

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri Oct 10 15:22:38 EDT 2014

2014 CWopsT - 1900Z Oct 8 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 10Oct2014

Complete web listing of scores with clickable links to individual postings is available at: http://www.3830scores.com/currecscores.php?arg=EJfqcuz9fmqmR

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Oct 11, 2014
E-mail logs to: (none)
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op HP
NW2K               130    88     1     11,440 NCC
N4AF               128    84           10,752 PVRC
K0EU               116    82     1      9,512 
F6HKA              123    72     1      8,856 
K6RB               108    68     1      7,344 
K1GU               101    70   1.0      7,070 TCG
K2SX                96    67     1      6,432 
N3AD                87    68     1      5,916 FRC
N5ZO                88    63     1      5,544 SCCC
NS9I                81    60     1      4,860 BzDXCC

W0UCE               88    53     1      4,664 PVRC
K1RO                76    59   ,75      4,484 YCCC
VE3KI               77    52     1      4,004 CCO
N4DW                70    56     1      3,920 TCG
NS0R                62    50     1      3,100 
W5ASP               57    48     1      2,736 
KC4D                60    45   0.8      2,700 PVRC
W6SX                58    46    .3      2,668 NCCC
K4RUM               55    44 45 mi      2,420 
W0VX                55    38   0.8      2,090 DFWCG

K1ESE               47    44   :40      2,068 YCCC
F5MNK               51    39     1      1,989 
HG1G                47    40     1      1,880 
K1SM                50    37     1      1,850 
DL8PG               40    33            1,320 
KJ9C                38    32            1,216 SMC
N5IR                34    29  0.66        986 DFWCG
VE2FK               30    25 0:23m        750 CG Que
UA6HZ               23    23 45 MI        529 
N4FP                22    20    .4        440 FCG

SM5ALJ(@SK4DM)      20    18     1        360 
SM7ATL              18    18     1        324 TOEC
NN6T                14    12     1        168 CWOPS
OH2BN               11    10     1        110 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op LP
WJ9B                95    64     1      6,080 PVRC
N5AW/0              79    65     1      5,135 CTDXCC
K1DW                64    52     1      3,328 Lou CC
W8CAR               60    49     1      2,940 NCC
K0FX                59    49    .7      2,891 Grand Mesa
KG5U                60    46     1      2,760 CTDXCC
VE3MGY              53    44     1      2,332 CCO
W9ILY               47    45   0.5      2,115 Metro DX
W4VQ                52    36     1      1,872 
N3JT                50    36            1,800 

FG8NY               46    36 00H40      1,656 
W2GN                42    34    .8      1,428 RDXA
WB5EIN              43    31     1      1,333 Deep Dixie CC
DJ1OJ               37    34     1      1,258 BCC
HB9ARF              38    33     1      1,254 
K0DTJ               40    31     1      1,240 
WB9G                38    29     1      1,102 
SM6CUK              38    28            1,064 
NO5W                34    30     1      1,020 Lou CC
K2CYE               35    28 30 Mi        980 FRC

W9CC                33    27     1        891 
NN4K                29    26     1        754 SECC
CR7AJL(@CS5NRA)     27    27     1        729 
VE9AA/M             28    24  0.67        672 MCC
N1ZX                25    24              600 
KW7Q                25    20   :20        500 
SF3A(SM3CER)        21    18     1        378 TOEC
WA9LEY              21    17              357 Metro DX
N1EN                21    16              336 YCCC
VE2BZO              18    16     1        288 CG Que

UR5MM               18    15              270 UCC
SM0Y(SM0OY)         16    14     1        224 BSCC
N5RR                14    14 14min        196 
PA3ACA              11    11 60 mi        121 
WT2P(@W8RJ)          8     8  0.10         64 SMC
KC7ZO                6     6   .75         36 
VE3VGI               5     5   0.4         25 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op QRP
KU7Y                57    42     1      2,394 NCCC
W1UU                42    36     1      1,512 
K9JWV               28    23              644 
WB5BKL              23    19     1        437 CTDXCC
I0ZUT               16    13 01.00        208 ICC
NU7Y                10    10    .5        100 AOCC


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