[3830] 144SprngSprnt K1WHS Single Op HP

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Tue Apr 14 09:30:30 EDT 2015

                    144 MHz Spring Sprint

Call: K1WHS
Operator(s): K1WHS
Station: K1WHS

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: FN43mj
Operating Time (hrs): 4

Total:  QSOs = 87  Mults = 23  Tot Dist(km) = 1  Total Score = 2,001

Club: North East Weak Signal Group


For the first time in a number of years I had water get into my large LVA fixed
yagi array over the winter. I could immediately tell that the hearing was down
about 5 or 6 dB and the VSWR was fairly elevated. This may mean that either
something is messed up at the main feedpoint, or (more likely with my luck)
that there are multiple problems within the array.  The next nice day I will be
on the tower removing wx proofed connectors and checking things out. The good
news is that everything is accessible and I can do all the work myself with no
heavy lifting! Winter has been really hard on the antennas this year.
    The band was up and down for the sprint, and it was much harder to cover my
bases with the LVA in trouble. I ended up running the rotator much more than
normal as I relied on the rotating yagi array almost always for the entire
evening. I really miss the LVA after the first evening!!!  Activity seemed
quite good for the first two hours, then it got pretty slow.
    I worked a few VE stations up North, but never heard N5VWR in Vermont which
was a shame, but I heard NG4C in North Carolina quite often on CW at 905 km
distance for my best DX. (Go figure) Other good contacts were VE3ZV in EN92,
(752 km) and VA3ELE/r in FN03 also over 700 km.  K3ZO at 715 km and W3IP at 752
km were good catches too. I tried for a few minutes with KU8Y in EN61 but heard
only short bursts of meteors and no tropo signal. That is way beyond normal
tropo range, so I was not surprised. I never did try with K8TQK, but heard
K1TEO running with him. Thanks to the efforts of K1DY/r to my NE for two grids
that are very rare in a sprint: FN54 and 55. This time I had two FN54 QSOs as
KT1R has moved to FN54 now. This was my first time back on VHF since last Fall
and I was sure rusty on my operating procedures. It seemed that I was all
thumbs for awhile. I ended up with 87 QSOs and 23 grids for a score of 2001
points. Considering the antenna problems, I was very pleased with the result.
The activity was nice even with the "so so" condx.
    I ran the generator and my high power amplifier. I was delighted to see no
water in the fuel line and water separator. Usually I am draining water out of
the separator after a long winter. Naturally, the laptop would not communicate
with the rig. Thanks to all who managed to get on for a fun evening, and thanks
to the CSVHFS for the sponsoring of the Sprints.

Dave K1WHS

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