[3830] FlQP N4CW SO MobileCW LP

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Mon Apr 27 08:54:59 EDT 2015

                    Florida QSO Party

Call: N4CW
Operator(s): N4CW
Station: N4CW

Class: SO MobileCW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5.75

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:   28      
   20:  590      
   15:   12      
   10:    0      
Total:  630     0  CW Mults = 57  Ph Mults = 0  Total Score = 143,640

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Even with several "glitches" in the operation, the Party was a
success. Saturday, the XYL and I HAD to drive to St. Petersburg (from St.
Augustine) for a family memorial service and celebratory dinner -- this is a
4-hour drive, one-way! Plus, we had to board the dog overnight. Thus, I got to
operate in only a few counties.
I found that "pulling over" was almost impossible in the Orlando
area...you just don't casually do that! So we got home just before midnight...

Sunday morning started with a minor disaster: I use 45-AH AGM batteries for
mobile operation (because the car battery isn't wired for mobile
operation...yet!). I had used one battery on Saturday, so I wanted to swap over
to the other "freshly charged" battery. In limited light in our garage
at 7 in the morning, I inadvertently connected the battery incorrectly and blew
the 25A fuse to the TS-480! No spare fuse!!! My neighbor had one rated at 20A,
so I used that temporarily...it worked well enough so I could make a few
contacts before we had to go pick up the dog at 9 AM (the kennel
"dictates" pickup times...as you well know). So I was able to start
my day's excursion around 9:30...a tad late. I wanted to put a few more STJ Q's
in the log, so after I picked up a coffee and bagel, I parked and worked a few
on 20 and then QSY'd to 15. The 480 antenna tuner wouldn't tune...something
wrong there...so I had to operate without it by making sure the antenna was
resonant/with low SWR. Couldn't do it, and lost time trying, so I committed to
operating on 20 for the remainder of the day. Fortunately, all my
"glitches" were behind me.
All in all, Sunday was a lot of fun. My compliments to all the ops that
responded to my giving partial calls by standing by if what I copied didn't
apply to them...well done! Pileups were a real "rush"...over and
To net it out, it's amazing that I worked all those stations in 5 hours and 44
minutes (total, per N1MM) with two days' driving...
Again, MANY thanks for the Q's and good times. 73, Bert N4CW

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