[3830] ARRL 160 AA5AM SO Unlimited LP

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Mon Dec 7 14:45:17 EST 2015

                    ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: AA5AM
Operator(s): AA5AM
Station: AA5AM

Class: SO Unlimited LP
Operating Time (hrs): <8

Total:  QSOs = 134  Sections = 75  Countries = 7  Total Score = 23,944

Club: DFW Contest Group


Started the contest out at a disadvantage this year.
Got off work at 7:00am Friday morning and never had a chance to get any 
sleep prior to the start of the contest. By the time the contest started, I
had been up about 21 hours. Finally called it quits about 9:00pm. Could not
focus on the task at hand. I think I was doing more zoning out than operating.

Still haven't completely recovered from the lightning strike this past May. Had
a lot of unknowns going into the contest with a repaired radio, new USB/RS232
interfaces, New version of N1MM and an old laptop and antenna/coax that hasn't
seen much use since last year. Managed to get it all working but not how I'd
like it to be.

Saturday night started out late. Tried to answer a CQ and discovered the radio
was not being keyed by the PC or keyer. I thought Murphy paid me a visit and
the radio had cratered again since the keying line was one of the circuits
damaged in the strike. Turns out it was not Murphy but Riley the cat. The cat
had gotten behind the desk and chewed through the key line and also chewed the
router power cable almost in to. After a few repairs, I was going again. This
time I stuck it out until about midnight and called it a day.

I didn't think conditions were all that good this year. Signals from the PNW
and New England were really weak. Even some of the close in stuff like Colorado
didn't seem to be that loud. Participation also seemed lower this year than
years past. Activity Saturday night appeared to be better than it was Friday

Worked 7 DX mults: C6A PJ2 TI VP5 VP9 XE and ZF. Never heard anything from

Missed PR, PAC, ONN, LAX and SF. (The guys in California are deaf)
Never heard AK SJV or NT. 

Thanks to everyone that gave me a contact and sorry to those that I didn't

Got a year to get it all together and will be back at it next year!!

Scott AA5AM

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