[3830] ARRL 10 ON3DI SO SSB LP

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Mon Dec 14 06:54:56 EST 2015

                    ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: ON3DI
Operator(s): ON3DI
Station: ON3DI

Class: SO SSB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:    6     5
  SSB:  118    46
Total:  124    51  Total Score = 13,260



Hi guys,

Lets cut to the chase, it was bad, really bad.
Last year I had a lot of fun during this contest, I made 600 qso's, worked a
lot of DX, not this year.

I started around 7 UTC on saturday but the band was still closed (did he even
open ;-) ) Anyway my second qso was with VK6NC, he was not strong, but he
copied me without any problems. UA, UT, ..., I couldn't hear them or very weak.
Calling CQ had no effect.

I saw on the cluster that TZ9A was active, so I changed the plan and tried to
work him, but he HAM radio gods were not on my side this weekend, no QSO in SSB
or RTTY....

Saturday afternoon was better, had a 'run' to USA. Some guys said that I was a
real 59. Last year I worked 60 USA in a row, not this year, perhaps 16. Anyway
band was around 16 UTC complete death.

Sundaymorning was a bit better, for example I worked ET3AA and TO90R who were
to weak on saturday. Around noon I worked LU, PY, CW (for this contestnorms a
lot) by doing S&P. Calling CQ had still no effect. I was hoping that runs
to the USA should make up everything, but there was no run. I haven't heard any
USA stations...

Called some CQ in CW during dead moments; I'm learing CW and my speed now is
arround 14wpm. 6 stations came back, tnx for the patience. A bit funny was the
moment that RX7T putted me as ON3BI on the cluster, I copied his call correctly

Score is nothing compared to last year. Frustrating contest, it makes me
affraid for the next years...

This was my last contest of the year. Wish you all happy hollidays and hope to
work you next year.


Pieter ON3DI

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