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Sun Feb 22 23:24:28 EST 2015

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW

Call: N7GP
Operator(s): N5IA
Station: N5IA

Class: SOSB/160 HP
QTH: AZ -- DM52
Operating Time (hrs): 14
Remote Operation

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  100    42
Total:  100    42  Total Score = 12,726

Club: Arizona Outlaws Contest Club


While the large majority of the participants in this contest are relishing the
fantastic conditions encountered on the upper HF bands, those of us who live
and breathe Topband can hardly wait for the sunspots to go away.

And that my friends, is the way it is on 160 Meters.  The absorption was
responsible for very poor propagation beyond the North American continent.  At
least that was the case from the Southwest USA.

Night 1 resulted in 74 Qs in the log with 36 multipliers.  If it were not for
the faithful JA operators, it really would have been grim.  With very weak
signals, a total of 23 of the contacts were made with JA stations.  No BA, VK
or ZL were heard even though some two hours were dedicated to direct CQing to
the South Pacific.

Most operators would have cashed in their chips and gone to bed with night two
conditions.  I started at 0130 and made the first log entry, 9A1A, at 0548. 
The 2nd contact of the night, IR1Y, was logged at 0624.  Four more mults and
six more Qs were made in the EU sunrise 'opening' with GM7R being the last one
at 0720.

Again, nearly two hours were expended with direct CQing to the South Pacific. 
Transequatorial signals were totally absent.

16 more Qs were logged during the six hours before sunrise, with JM1NKT, a 150
Watt station, being the last one logged at 1324.  12 of the 16 stations logged
were JA's.

Let us all hope that conditions are significantly better next weekend for the
CQ 160 SSB.  Thanks for all these Q's, and CU all Friday night/Saturday

73 de Milt, N5IA, operator of N7GP

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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