webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Jul 12 08:33:55 EDT 2015

                    IARU HF World Championship

Call: VP2MLU
Operator(s): W4LT
Station: VP2MLU

Class: SOABMixed LP
QTH: Montserrat WI
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Zones  HQ Mults
  160:    0                      
   80:    0                      
   40:    7      4      4       2
   20:  218    122     21      26
   15:  178    137     15       6
   10:    0                      
Total:  403    263     40      34  Total Score = 156,436

Club: Florida Contest Group


Rig : Kenwood TS590s

Antennas : Carolina Windowm 80LP at 20ft between two palm trees and center
supported by a fiberglass pole

Soapbox : 

Second IARU from a DX location.  Score much better than my last DX IARU from
9Y1 land.  Not a full time effort by any means.  80 unuseable and 40 difficult
due to electric pole QRM... Lost power twice at this QTH during prime time. 
Seems that electricity is not very reliable at this location... Lights flicker
all the time and 80 and 40m had s9 buzzing from power line arcing from the
sound of it.

Lots of fun pileups when I get spotted.  Worked lots of FCG members as well. 
20SSB is difficult to get a run started with 100w and a wire, but once someone
spots me, off to the races in the pileups.  15 much easier to get a run going. 
20 cw was the money band here, with the least noise.  15 was solid on both modes
as well. 10 seemed open at times with several beacons in the central US loud and
clear, however, no human beings were in attendance on ten meters at the times I
visited that band.  

It is humbling to use a wire... been a long time, but this callsign is worth
20dB!  I was amazed to work Europe consistently even though there is a 1500 ft
volcano mountain between this QTH and EU. Lots of deep EU calls: US, UT, UX,
E7.  Incredibly surprised to be called by two VK's and a YB on a SSB run on 20m
late in the evening. 

I can always  tell when I get spotted.  Calling CQ for 5 minutes with no
takers, then some one calls, spots me and a pileup crushes me.  Seems very few
actually turn the big knob anymore, but Im glad that some of us still do, or
else no one would call this antenna challenged station. 

Simply terrific fun!  Lets do it again!  And Again! And Again!!!  

Best 73


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