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Sun Jul 12 08:35:53 EDT 2015

                    IARU HF World Championship

Call: WD0T
Operator(s): WD0T
Station: WD0T

Operating Time (hrs): 21:45

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Zones  HQ Mults
  160:    2             1       1
   80:   46             7       1
   40:  176            12       5
   20:  238            15      22
   15:   40             7       1
   10:    4             1       1
Total:  506     0      43      31  Total Score = 113,368



First, thanks for everyones patience pulling out my weak signal, there were some
DX that I would have NEVER thought I could work based on my signal, so FB job
picking out my call, and thanks for patience during repeats..

I was only going to do a part time operation, and got sucked in to the fun, and
with Joe W0DB encouraging me to go until the end, I persisted, and it was fun.

LOT of CW regulars, the CWT gang, the NS gang, and regular contest OPs, very FB
job guys, thats the fun part, meeting with friends doing this fun/ crazy hobby!

Band conditions were OK, actually 40m seemed very good , 20m was fair, but 15
and 10m were both down a lot, just not the condtions, at least from my upper
Midwest QTH.

Of course, 80 and 160 were both noisy, but still usable especially in the early

Heard a couple of JA's on 40 but didn't work any..Also some VK/ZL stations but
didnt get to them either.. 

My setup:

TS-940s- turned down to 5 watts, 1 rig
Antennas, dipoles at 35ft, and Vee beam at 27ft. 
Dentron tuner. 

I sure could have used another radio and antennas, would have been much quicker
to work guys, but like I said it was supposed to be casual operating and it was!

Sure could have used higher gain, and higher antennas a lot of the time. 

Again, great job , thanks for picking me out, and fun to work you ALL!

73 Todd WD0T

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