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Sun Jul 12 15:05:39 EDT 2015

                    IARU HF World Championship

Call: W0UA
Operator(s): W0UA
Station: K0RF

Operating Time (hrs): 23

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Zones  HQ Mults
  160:    23    0       4       1
   80:    85    0       9       5
   40:   569    0      28      27
   20:   928    0      34      31
   15:   300    0      22      33
   10:    18    0       3       1
Total:  1923    0     100      98  Total Score = 1,316,106



Dictionary dot com defines "crash" as, "to make a loud,
clattering noise, as of something dashed to pieces."  That would be my
ears.  There was plenty of clattering and dashing going on, with the
predictable (but entirely unforecast)
afternoon/evening thunderstorms around (and right over) Chuck's QTH. Combine
that with shaky (and that's charitable) conditions and even without snow here,
it made for some pretty tough sledding.  I'm sure I wasn't alone in the QRN
demolition derby.  Hey, it's, "Summertime and the livin' is easy." 
The listenin'...not so much.  Well, static schmatic--let's do some radio here!

We did have one 87A drop-out with power-supply problems.  Other than that, it
was all good. Everybody can work everybody--I love it when that happens! The
JA's and Russians were fantastic!  Worked some really fun DX.
Got to say hi to long-time friends.  All the good stuff you get in a
contest--plus--I get to operate a high-performance car like K0RF on my favorite
mode. That's what I'm talkin' about!  What's a little QRN and punk bands next to
all that? Sorry I even mentioned it...

OK, too fun, gotta' run.  There's a tee-time with my name on it. FORE! 73...

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