[3830] NAQP RTTY WA7LNW Single Op LP

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Sun Jul 19 02:30:42 EDT 2015

                    North American QSO Party, RTTY - July

Call: WA7LNW
Operator(s): WA7LNW
Station: WA7LNW

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Utah
Operating Time (hrs): 8.25

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   28    17
   40:  104    38
   20:  217    47
   15:   30    20
   10:    0     0
Total:  379   122  Total Score = 46,238

Club: Arizona Outlaws Contest Club

Team: AOCC Assassins


Rough start due to minor technical issues were quickly followed by local cloud
to ground lightning and heavy rain caused me to lose operating time thanks to
post-tropical cyclone DOLORES off coast of Baja California.

Heavy QSB on signals and strong static from thunderstorm required constant
adjustment of receiver's RF gain and AGC controls.  Looking forward to fall and
winter season!

10 meters never opened and 15 meters was marginal.  20 and 40 meters was where
the action was during this summer event.

Station:  TS-480SAT, HEX beam, HF-2V vertical 40/80, N1MM+ / MMTTY.

73's Jack, WA7LNW

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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