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Sun Jul 19 10:54:09 EDT 2015

                    North American QSO Party, RTTY - July

Call: N1MGO
Operator(s): KB1JXJ KB1LRL KT1I N1MGO
Station: N1MGO

Class: M/2 LP
QTH: ma
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:    3     3
   40:  202    42
   20:  256    40
   15:   16     8
   10:    0     0
Total:  477    93  Total Score = 44,361

Club: Montachusett ARA



Lots of fun, as usual.  Bands were not very good, especially the high bands.
Had problems with the 80mtr dipole, so no 80mtrs.  That did not help the

We operated two radios, an Elecraft K3 and an IC-7000 to wire dipoles in the
Food by kb1jxj, lots of it and great tasting!   
We were hoping to get to Vermont for this one, we usually do the july one in VT
and the February one from MA, but work and scheduling just did not work out.
Good to see lots of the regulars and some new calls.  "Bambi" had not
been on the air for a while.

73's and thanks for the contacts!

Gordon - n1mgo on behalf of the "Bambi" team

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