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Mon Jul 20 10:39:10 EDT 2015

                    CQ Worldwide VHF Contest

Call: K8MR/1
Operator(s): K8MR/1
Station: K8MR/1

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 7

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  23     12
    2:   9      6
Total:  32     18  Total Score = 738

Club: Mad River Radio Club


In the past few years my wife has reconnected with her cousin Martha, who
happens to live 20 minutes from our daughter in New Jersey. They have a QTH in
Chatham, at the southeastern corner of Cape Cod. Last summer my wife spent a
week there with Martha, while I operated a radio contest up the road in the
Boston area. They had a great time.

While briefly there last year on the way to WRTC, I did check the GPS, and did
confirm the longitude at 69.9xx west - i.e. the rare FN51 grid. So when a
return trip was planned, I gently encouraged including the July 18 weekend,
which did fit both our schedules pretty well. 

I had briefly been at the house last year, but it turns out to be a pretty
decent location for VHF. There is a clear shot (other than trees in a
conservation zone) to the west and southwest. And they have a deck over their
garage facing that way, so I got a ten foot head start for my antennas.

I used the IC-746, PAR stressed six meter Moxon, and 6L WA5VJB yagi for two
meters, on a sixteen foot mast with tripod mount. Condition - well, everybody
knows how they were. All but six QSOs were on CW. Few strong signals, although
I understand that the especially in W1 people do not point their antennas at

This was the first VHF contest where I actively watched the cluster spots. I
could see the people in the midwest having a lot of fun on Saturday, but that
stuff never made it to New England. It was fun seeing "RARE"
associated with my call. I just wish I could have made FN51 somewhat less

I ended up with four contest QSOs outside tropo range - two in FL, one in SC,
and one in western MI. Conditions outside the contest were not great either. I
found only one Es opening, on Thursday evening, to a rather limited area in
southern W9.

A family situation back home caused us to leave Sunday morning, a day earlier
than planned. I figured that with that the band would bust wide open an hour
later. But as it turns out, I did not waste a day sitting near a radio waiting
for nothing to happen.

I hope the Cape Cod visit will become a regular event. ARRL June VHF from FN51
would be even more fun, but Martha is a teacher, so that won't be for a few
years until she retires.  Meanwhile, see you in CQ VHF 2016?

73 -  Jim K8MR

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