[3830] GaQP W4AN/M(@K4BAI/M) Rover Multi-OpCW LP

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Mon Apr 11 14:27:06 EDT 2016

Georgia QSO Party

Call: W4AN/M
Operator(s): KU8E K4BAI
Station: K4BAI/M

Class: Rover Multi-OpCW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 19

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
  160:       0      0
   80:     137      0
   40:    1304      0
   20:     545      0
   15:       1      0
   10:       0      0
    6:       0      0
Total:    1987      0  CW-Dig Mults = 50  Ph Mults = 0  Total Score = 198,600

Club: South East Contest Club


IC756ProII, 100W, Hustler mobile whips (with DX Engineering top hat on 40). 
Jeff, KU8E's, oldest son Andrew did a lot of the driving and navigating this
year.  Thanks, Andrew.  We had minor problems with the car and an antenna and a
short trip through TN on the way out of Dade County that reduced the operating
time to about 19 hours.  All of the lost time was on Saturday when we made only
857 QSOs in 47 mults.  We well more than doubled the Saturday score on Sunday
and added three more mults.  Band conditions generally were pretty good.  We
made only one QSO on 15M and that one at the request of DL3DXX.  We got no
other callers that one time on 15M and didn't go back because no one requested
it and we had to stop and change resonators to go to that band.  We plan to try
to install a third mast with 15 and 10M resonators on it so we won't have to
stop to change bands in the FL QSO Party.  20M was a bit long (and we spent a
lot of time in Northern GA that helped on 40 and hurt on 20).  We didn't work
anyone (except a few GA stations) on 20M closer than IL and PA.  DX was good,
but the number of DX QSOs was probably lessened by competition from the Yuri
Gagarin DX Contest.  40M was better than we have experienced it in recent years
with QSOs out as far as IA and WI all through the day and DX QSOs with DL3DXX
and UA3AGW in the late afternoon and evenings.  80M was quiet and there was a
fair amount of activity there and we were surprised to work DL3DXX and K9YC on
80M.  Thanks to all who participated in the GQP this year, especially the DX
stations and the other GA mobiles.  DX stations who immediately come to mind
SM7CIL, IK0MHR, OK1CF, ON4AAC, and HB9FBP.  Multipliers missed were:  VT, ID,
ND, DC, AK, HI, VE1, VE4, VE5, VE6, VE8, VY1 and VY0.  We didn't hear anyone
from any of these mults except for VE4DXR on 80M who must have been calling a
DX station split.  I guess the QSO party did lose some activity from those
trying for some of the last QSOs with VK0EK and FT5JA.  73 from all three of
us, John, K4BAI.

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