[3830] GaQP K4MM Single OpMixed HP

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Wed Apr 13 23:05:43 EDT 2016

Georgia QSO Party

Call: K4MM
Operator(s): K4MM
Station: K4MM

Class: Single OpMixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
  160:      0        0
   80:     44        3
   40:    175       25
   20:      5        0
   15:      0        0
   10:      0        0
    6:      0        0
Total:    224       28  CW-Dig Mults = 128  Ph Mults = 19  Total Score = 69,825

Club: Florida Contest Group


Nice QP as usual. Seems SFL too close for some bands and too far for others..
Gave it the old "college" try. Some of the pileups were large. QSB
was bad. Hope I didn't screw up too many Q's.. Hi!

Rig: FT-950
Amp: NCL-2000
Tuner: Dentron MT-2000A
Ant: 40 meter dipole and a 80M inverted "L".

Thanks and 73   Tom K4MM  EL97tg

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