[3830] MiQP K8MR Single Op LP

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Sun Apr 17 00:13:55 EDT 2016

Michigan QSO Party

Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR
Station: K8MR

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 7

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:   10      0
   40:   29      4
   20:   33      9
   15:    1       
Total:   73     13  CW Mults = 49  Ph Mults = 12  Total Score = 9,699

Club: Florida Contest Group


After 12 or so MiQPs from the roads of Michigan, it is quite a switch doing if
from Florida with a 53 foot vertical wire and a dipole in the attic of a condo.
Still fun if challenging. Spent some time imagining K8IR driving down some of
the same roads I've been on more than few times. Good job by IR, NE9U, W8UE,
and AE8M. All of them were pulling out what must have been a very weak signal
from me.

I will be back in Ohio in August. Sadly, after five months in Florida, we have
to head back before the Florida QSO party, as our daughter is having a wedding
shower next weekend. But in future years we should be good for some hot weather
mobile contesting in late April.

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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