[3830] MiQP K8IR Mobile Multi-Op LP

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Mon Apr 18 14:20:49 EDT 2016

Michigan QSO Party

Call: K8IR
Operator(s): K8IR KG9GH
Station: K8IR

Class: Mobile Multi-Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:  104       
   40:  326     37
   20:  197     15
Total:  627     52  CW Mults = 69  Ph Mults = 27  Total Score = 125,376

Club: M&M ARC


It was certainly a fine day to be driving across Michigan. 74 degrees is
probably the warmest we've had on a MIQP trip.

Conditions seemed to be better for us this year, especially during the early
afternoon.  The QRN was louder than I was hoping for at night, but people
continued to be able to hear us.

We completed all 25 counties planned, and hit the end of Luce County with 1
minute to go.  Another excellent job of driving and navigating by Eric, KG9GH.

My apologies to those in the pileup when we occasionally ran into some very
noisy power lines.  In one county, we actually drove off the main road to get
to a spot where I could hear again and work down the pile before proceeding. 

Thanks to all who called in, especially those who followed us around through
the whole 12 hours.

It was nice to hear K8MR several times from FL.  We miss you mobiling up here
with us.

Jim K8IR and Eric KG9GH.

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