[3830] EUHF Champ SE3X(SA3BYC) SSB Only LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 7 02:51:41 EDT 2016

European HF Championship

Call: SE3X
Operator(s): SA3BYC
Station: SK0UX

Class: SSB Only LP
QTH: JO99BM/Mill Hill
Operating Time (hrs): 5:37

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:   0       0      0
   80:   0      12     11
   40:   0      50     32
   20:   0     105     47
   15:   0      36     23
   10:   0      30     19
Total:   0     233    132  Total Score = 30,756

Club: Top of Europe Contesters


Trying my new radio, TS-590SG. Got it on Friday. Copied set-up from my TS-590S
which seemed to work fine. No full effort while working and just doing some
QSO's after work.

Very special QTH this time, operating from SK0UX - Mill Hill Contest station
close to my work outside Stockholm. Amazing antennas! 100 watt felt like much
much more :)

Tnx all for a nice contest and nice QSO's!

Trx  Kenwood TS-590SG
80m: 3 element rotary yagi, Sloper
40m: 2 element full size  rotary quad
20m: 6 element rotary quad, 4 element yagi pointed at EU
15m: Log Periodic Array, 4 element yagi pointed at EU
10m: 8 element rotary quad, 4 element yagi pointed at EU

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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