[3830] WAE CW VU2MUD Single Op LP

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Mon Aug 15 10:32:55 EDT 2016

WAE DX Contest, CW

Call: VU2MUD
Operator(s): VU2MUD
Station: VU2MUD

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 11:22

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   20:  156   148    66
   15:  200   197    68
Total:  356   345   134  Total Score = 93,934

Club: VU Contest Group


This is a contest I look forward to as the opening of the Contest Season.  WAE
CW until CQWW - CW is a hectic period!! This was like a warm up.  Propogation
looked up a couple of days before the contest weekend increasing hopes of a
good show.  Being the festival period in South India - a festival was
celebrated on Friday - the start to the contest was expected to be a little
later than I would have liked.  I could start off at 0700 UTC.  Had a quick
look at 28Mhz and as anticipated heard only 3-4 stations.  So not wasting any
more time, started off on 21Mhz where I found good activity - although the QSB
was dominant.  
The first 6 hours brought in 143 Q's on 15m and 13 Q's on 20m - with an almost
equal number of QTCs sent - Netting close to 300 points - averaging close to
50/hr.  Not bad for a start.  The next couple of hours were dull with 15m
closing and 20m not opening until 1500 UTC - so took time out and finished
dinner.  The next hour - 77 minutes to be precise - brought in 130 QSO points -
Q's and QTCs combined - averaging 100/hr.  20m died down and CQing in vain
brought no Qs.  So signed off for Day 1

Day - 2 brought in even more frustration as 20m did not open as anticipated in
the morning between 0100 - 0300 UTC - 5 Q's in the entire period !!!! An
external visit took out the next 6 hours and could get back to the shack only
at 0900 UTC.  15m opening was rather weak with even the usually loud Eastern EU
stns. coming in very weak - Making 100 QSO Points - Q's and QTC combined at a
miserly 38 Qs/ Hour!!!!  With 15m closing and 20m not opening, took a break
till 1400 UTC.  By that time I had reached 200 Q's on 15m.
My next target to get to 300 Qs total or 150 Qs on 20m - before closing.  The
period between 1410 and 1603 UTC - was fairly productive - netting 136 points
at a fair rate of 72/ hr.

My lack of a proper 40m antenna and being in the shack at the proper time
probably cost me another 100 Qs and QTCs.  Propogation being low, I noticed
that most of the EUs were coming in rather weak - including the usual BIG GUNS
who were getting affected by QSB.  A good lesson in propogation and a fair test
in my listening of weak signals.  I hope I do not lose too many points!!

Will be back for more next year - probably more time and better propogation

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