[3830] NCCC Sprint W0BH HP
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Thu Aug 25 23:39:48 EDT 2016
NCCC Sprint - Aug 26
Call: W0BH
Operator(s): W0BH
Station: W0BH
Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): .5
Band QSOs Mults
160: 3 3
80: 7 5
40: 14 13
20: 12 7
15: 4 3
Total: 40 31 Total Score = 1,240
Thanks to you all for helping me celebrate ham birthday number 50! It was really
fun working the band edges tonight and made for a little different feel as you
all were working each other there. We had lots of noise on the low bands, but I
still made a few contacts on 160 in the last two minutes. As Ken/n6ro noted in
his post, he got mixed up and worked me more times than bands :-) It's always a
pleasure, Ken (and to the rest of you as well)!
In case you missed the nccc-blue post earlier today, I'll reprint it below. As
my way of thanking you all for some terrific NS years, the following ops made it
into my log tonight and earned the Samuel F.B. Morse stamp and certificate.
If you missed me, there will be lots of chances this weekend to earn one, or
maybe even a larger certificate with all the antique radio stamps displayed.
All you have to do is work me in the Kansas QSO Party this weekend. I will be
operating mobile both Saturday and Sunday as K0A/m around 037 on CW. The post
has the details.
Again, thanks for years of fun with more years to come!
73, Bob, w0bh
Here's the reprint:
50th Ham Year Celebration: W0BH
Finally QCWA x 2! In all these years, my two favorite ham radio things to do
are NS/Sprints and mobile contesting. Having the opportunity to play radios
and learn from you all on Thursday nights has been and continues to be a
highlight of my week. I wouldn't be where I am today in contesting without NS.
So how about a party!
I'm the coordinator of the Kansas QSO Party. A number of years ago, I came up
with the idea of making really high quality certificates and having
participants earn antique radio stamps to put on the certificates. One of those
stamps (our second most popular one and the oldest), is the two-cent Samuel F.B.
Morse stamp issued in 1940. They are harder and harder to find in quantity, but
last year I ordered some extras with the idea of offering them to you all in
just this setting! You can see all of the stamps in color at the end of the
rules on the KSQP web site.
How about this? During the Thursday evening NS on 25 August (this evening),
I'll operate all 5 NS band edges (38/44 and 1813/1818) HP so more of you can
hear me. I have beverages all 8 directions, so I'll try my best to hear you.
I'll vacate the frequency as usual, then jump to the other band edge. If you
happen to be calling there, I'll answer, otherwise I'll CQ. Each of you who
finds your way into my log will get a special 5x7 NS certificate suitable for
framing including the Morse stamp. Thunderstorms are forecast here tonight, so
if I'm off the air or this doesn't post in time, we'll try again in a week.
If you miss me, you'll have another chance. This coming weekend (Aug 27-28) is
the Kansas QSO Party (12 hours on Sat and 6 hours on Sun starting at 1400Z both
days). I'll be operating mobile as K0A/m on both CW and SSB, usually around a
frequency ending in 37. If you hear N0Q or N0T on 37, they are also riding
along and I'll help them out with CW. We have 17 mobile calls operating this
year and 45 1x1 calls out there spelling KANSAS, SUNFLOWER, and QSOPARTY. Last
year we had 100 total operators. If you work me even once AND TURN IN A LOG,
I'll send you the above NS certificate with stamp. You could work just me, but
please take a few more minutes and run up and down the band (mobile window is
35-40 on 20m and 40m) where you'll find hard-working CW ops every .5 kHz.
Why stop there? Written in invisible ink in the KSQP rules is a special NS
Category for this year! We have a popular Sunday-Only Category for those who
want a shorter operating event, so for this year, I will sponsor an NS
Single-Op Low Power Sunday CW-Only plaque and full-size NS certificates for the
top five entries in this category. Note that you can operate both days and
modes and we will rescore your log for the purposes of this category. KSQP ops
will log dupes on Sunday if needed.
Certificates will include ALL NINE of our antique radio stamps, so you'll have
the complete collection. The certificate is posted on the KSQP web site to
check out. I'll personalize and customize it for NS. The plaque is a
laser-engraved almost inch-thick solid maple Kansas-shaped plaque made locally
here in Hesston. XYL Lorna/k0why did the artwork. We give out 23 of these
plaques, and I suspect any one of you could win one if you decide to do so!
I will also award an NS certificate (with nine stamps) to the winner of the
following three special categories. Note that High Power is allowed for these
three categories, but if you run High Power, you will not be eligible for the
NS Plaque.
1. Most unique 1x1 Kansas operators worked (all modes) for the entire contest
period (both days). See how many words you can spell!
2. Most contacts with W0BH/K0A (all modes) for the entire contest period (both
3. Top score from a "nearby" state (for those close in to Kansas).
It's deliberately vague. I'll determine what that means!
Note that I will be turning in a checklog this year since you all might
possibly give me an unfair advantage!
LOG SUBMISSION for this special category:
Email your Cabillo log to logs at ksqsoparty.org as per the KSQP rules. When you
turn in a log, add CATEGORY-OVERLAY: NS in your Cabrillo header and I'll take
it from there. Put NS in the SUBJECT line of the email along with your call.
For you, LOGS ARE DUE SEP 15, 2016 which is several weeks before the normal due
date. That will give me time to score this before it gets crazy with general
Here's the link to the Kansas QSO Party web site:
Looking forward to having you celebrate 50 years of ham radio with me. Most of
all, have fun!
73, Bob, w0bh
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