[3830] OhQP K8MR Mobile LP

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Sun Aug 28 10:43:35 EDT 2016

Ohio QSO Party

Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR K8BL
Station: K8MR

Class: Mobile LP
QTH: 30 Counties
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:  281     15
   40:  359     13
   20:  163      5
   15:    7      1
   10:    0      0
Total:  810     34  CW Mults = 74  Ph Mults = 15  Total Score = 147,206

Club: North Coast Contesters


A good ride around Ohio. Big thanks to driver Bob, K8BL, who was happy to drive
and let me have all the operating fun.

This was largely a new route for me - usually I do the eastern counties, but
W8CAR, who usually (with K8NZ) does the central ones, had his daughter show up
for the weekend. So I picked up the middle of the state. It was a nice switch
having well paved, straight, flat roads where you could jog a couple of miles
to get over to a new county. 

Things started slow, which was not unexpected given the lack of short skip on
40 now that the solar flux is down around 80. And things got slower - 39 QSOs
in the 21Z hour - as thunderstorms added QRN. While many stations reported
having shut down for the storms, though we encountered some rain, we never had
any especially heavy rain or any thunder.

I made little effort on phone, given the generally poor conditions during the
day. I tried a few CQs, don't think I had a single answer. Most of the phone Qs
on 40 and 20 were guys asking me to move. On 75 I spent some time calling

But things got really going at the end. Averaged over 105/hr for the last three
hours, with most of that on 80 meters. 

Interestingly, half of my 15 meter QSOs were with DM5EE, moving there from 20M
around 2300Z. Most worked state (outside Ohio) was Florida (65 Qs) followed by
PA (62). Most productive counties by us were Guernsey with 57 QSOs and
Tuscarawas with 56. Least was Richland with six QSOs.

Thanks to all who participated. Hope to see you back again in 2017!

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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