[3830] ARRL 10 3B9HA(G0CKV) SO CW HP

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Sun Dec 11 07:35:09 EST 2016

ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: 3B9HA
Operator(s): G0CKV
Station: 3B9HA

Class: SO CW HP
QTH: Rodrigues
Operating Time (hrs): 3.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  152    41
Total:  152    41  Total Score = 24,928



Well, during CQWWCW I only managed 26 QSO on 10 so I knew that this would not be
very exciting.

I have worked one YC today who couldn't hear me when I called him but later
came back to my CQ. Actually it was 2 QSO because he called me again 5 mins
later but that was it for today.

It was a bit better on Saturday. when I managed to log 151 QSO and 40 mult with
3 hours on the air. I guess it could have been more if I had spent more time on
the radio. I called a few stations in VK and in Africa but they couldn't hear
me. That is an interesting problem when you are in the middle of the Indian
Ocean and do S&P - few beam this way and they don't hear you off the side
of their beam.

As I listen now at 1030z (1430 local) I hear nothing but noise. But that noise
is oh so sweet and soft on your ears compared to the top-band crashes so why

Just an inverted V dipole at 12 m with K3 plus SPE at 800w - new license
conditions in 3B from this year have upped the power limit from 400 to 800w.

I really thought that 10 would be better at these latitudes but I was obviously
wrong. You learn as you go.

HF antennas coming down before dusk today but will try one last night on 160
before traveling back to N Eu winter.


73 Olof G0CKV

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