[3830] TBDC EI2CN Single Op HP

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Sun Dec 18 07:15:08 EST 2016

Stew Perry Topband Challenge

Call: EI2CN
Operator(s): EI2CN
Station: EI2CN

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Ireland
Operating Time (hrs): 12

Total:  QSOs = 386  Total Score = 2,484

Club: The Grande County Louth DX Alliance


Well that was interesting and fun.    Conditions are definitely up from last
year but still no QSOs with the west coast of W land and I suspect very few if
any west of the Mississippi.   So we have a ways to go with our propagation.  
I think conditions may have been a bit better on Friday night for the Russian

The QSO rate is not great as there are just not enough stations.   I found the
CQWW had much more activity on TB even though the other bands were also in use.
  This is a contest to build upon.   I like the fourteen hour limit and single
night effort - thank you.

My energy gave way at 04:15 UTC our local time.   The Q rate was quite low at
this point so I decided to hit the sack for two hours and get up at 06:15 UTC. 
 I did manage this and was better off.   It seems that many european stations do
the same as EU activity was up considerably at this time.   People wanting to
catch the grey line.   Unfortunately even though propagation to W land was
improved some it was still not going to produce a KH6 or ZL let alone a W7RAT.

I am pleased to have worked K5RX a radio friend in Texas.  Jim was good and
loud though I suspect he had some problems with my signal though perhaps it was
QRM we both asked for repeats on the Grid.   Sending only the grid locator is a
good idea.

For the Russian contest on the previous night there were complaints that I was
not hearing weaker stations calling from NA but my two receive antennas were
for the most part switched to UA land for higher point QSOs.     I used two
Hi-Z antennas one 8 circle and one 4 square tied into the two receive antenna
inputs of the K3 with sub receiver.   This allows cutting down on QRM and
Noise.   I can switch rapidly and if desired can listen in both directions by
switching one antenna to another direction.    Switching antenna directions is
much faster than turning a Yagi and a bit like the forward, reverse and
bi-directional capability of the SteppIR.

Thank you Boring Amateur Radio Club for not presenting the contest on December
26 when typically we are asked out to dinner at frieds.   This is very much a
family day in much of Europe and should be avoided for contesting less there be
strife.    Thank you Boring Amateur Radio Club for the great contest and also
thanks to all who took part.

              73 Doug EI2CN

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