BILL KENNAMER k5fuv at prodigy.net
Tue Mar 8 23:46:24 EST 2016

 ARRLDXSSB Score Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2016-03-04

    CallSign Used : K5FUV
      Operator(s) : K5FUV

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
             Band : ALL
            Power : LOW
             Mode : SSB

     ARRL Section : AR
        Band    QSOs      Cty
         3.5      52       35
           7     102       52
          14     138       66
          21     209       74
          28     117       49
       Total     618      276 = 511,704

              Rig : Ft-1000MP

         Antennas : 80m 1/4 wave, 30ft vert with tuner, 
                    15m dipole @25 ft, 3 el 10m @ 10 ft.

This is the first all band SSB contest I've done since 1999. I've done some single band efforts
in the last couple of years, but haven't had antennas that would load on all bands until this year.

At age 70, I'm finding it harder to stay awake. Also, 30 over line noise and fence buzz, somewhat puts 
the damper on full enjoyment of my new 80 meter antenna. However, there were enough loud European and JA 
stations out there, and they thankfully could hear my 100 watts.

I was able to put together 100 Qs by midnight Friday in spite of 15 meters not being real good here. 
I spent more time on 40 and 80, with fairly good results. I normally don't go to 20 at all the first night, 
but especially now, since my vertical doesn't seem to play well at night, and hearing station CQ in your face
isn't a lot of fun.

Saturday was reasonable, with 40 and 80 being in until about 1230Z. The rest of the day was spent on 10 and 15,
very little time on 20. I was able to start working in 40 and and 80 around 2100Z, and those bands were 
relatively good from here. I only wish I had bothered to whip up some kind of low noise antenna befpore the contest.
Maybe next time.

Sunday morning didn't seem as good on the low bands, so I went to 15 earlier. I was totally unable to start a run
on 15, so again it was search and pounce. I really need towers and antennas. After operating for years at good multi
op stations in TX, CT, and AR, and having had no less that a 4L Quad in the past, it's hard getting used to how 
one has to operate with limited antennas. S&P gets old as a 100% operating method.

While on 15, I heard CR2X say where their 10 meter station was camped, so I went down there for a propagation check. 
I could hear them, so I started scanning the band with the antenna to the east. I was more than a little surprised
 to find C91IJ calling CQ with no takers. I worked them, and they went back to CQing. It seemed to be a few 
more minutes before the band started coming in to EU, so I started working them, going back and forth to 15, 
but mostly 10. Propagation was really spotty. It was possible to hear someone at 20 over on one pass, and 10
 minutes later they were barely audible. Some of the KW stations were very weak, yet OE6MBG at 5 watts was well 
over S9. I was really enjoying 10 meters, right up until around noon when the antenna (propped up on a sawhorse)
 blew over. That ended 10 meters for the weekend, The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning as much as possible,
but the last couple of hours seemed pretty bad propagation wise. The wind came up here, and with it the band noise
Finally frustrated, I quit about 30 minutes early.

Even with all of this, this was the best score I've had from Arkansas, even when I had the tall towers, stacks, and amp.
I think this says more about the state of contesting than my operating abilities. There just seems to be a lot more 
participation than there was 15 years again. I'm glad. I'll be back in the fall.

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