[3830] TxQP W0BH SO Mobile LP

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Sun Oct 2 13:07:24 EDT 2016

Texas QSO Party

Call: W0BH
Operator(s): W0BH
Station: W0BH

Class: SO Mobile LP
QTH: 28 TX counties
Operating Time (hrs): 15.4

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
   40:  230    213       
   20:  514    413       
Total:  744    626      0  Mults = 109  Total Score = 408,756



2016 Texas QSO Party by Bob/w0bh

Score includes 28,000 county bonus and 1,000 mobile bonus points

I'm short on time this year and it's already a week past, so this will be brief
(compared to usual :-) I was planning a full-time multi/multi effort this year,
but both ops weren't able to make it at the last minute, so Lorna/k0why
volunteered to drive and we headed off to Texas.

I had installed the back seat operating position the same as we used for the
Georgia QSO Party when we ran 73 counties and just a few Qs shy of 4000. With
no one sitting there, it looked lonely, but it was really lucky I had it and
also lucky no one else came along this year.

On Saturday evening of the Kansas QSO Party, my primary radio in front started
tripping off line regardless of which antenna stack I used. It had worked
perfectly all day until then. At home in the evening, I checked everything and
it seemed to work, but after an hour on Sunday, it started again. I ended up
putting on a single resonator and reducing power to run the rest of the party.

In the following weeks, I swapped out the radio and all the antenna resonators,
took the van out for a test run and activated a nearby NPOTA trail for several
hours on different bands and modes. All was well, so I was confident that
things were working again. Image my surprise when a few minutes into the start
of the TQP, the new radio started tripping offline line as well. Not good.

To make a long story short, after a number of quick fix attempts (I should have
known better), I finally went back to the original antenna setup and moved to
the back seat. Everything worked great the rest of the party. I also found out
I really enjoyed operating from the back seat, but it wasn't as easy to chat
with Lorna.  I'm still scratching my head on this one.  My next guess will be
something with the power or perhaps RF feedback into the IC7000. Of course it
all works fine now that I'm home, and I haven't been able to duplicate the
problem. I've been really lucky with equipment over the years, so I guess it's
my turn for a visit from Murphey.  I ended up dropping 3 counties from my run
because of my radio issues.

I'll compile my stats at a later time, but here are a few that came out as I
got my log ready to send in. Conditions and activity were down all the way
around this year, but it was still fun once I got going. Weather stayed dry for
all but a few minutes on Sunday morning when the front blew through in most
impressive style.

43 US missed ME VT DE AK WY SD
5  VE worked QC ON SK AB BC
58 TX counties worked
4  DX worked KP4 DL HA PA

393 unique calls worked, only 4 dupes, 15.4 hours operating time.

TX Mobiles worked: WB0TEV/17, NM5G/9, KI5AH/6, WA5DSS/3, NO5W/2, KJ5MA/1,

W0BH Award Winners - First Place - Very Honorable Mention
Most overall Qs ---- VE7CV/34 ---- K4MM/32 -------- N6MU/31
Most CW Qs --------- N6MU/31 ----- VE3KZ/24 ------- K4MM/23 
Most PH Qs --------- WB0TEV/17* -- VE7CV/13 ------- N4PN/12
Most counties ------ N6MU/25 ----- VE7CV/K4MM/23 -- VE3KZ/22

* The first mobile to come in First Place since I've been keeping track.
  It helps to be at a two county line when I'm at a four county line!

Thanks to all who work to put together this very FB QSO party. Lets work hard
to get the activity back up to what we've come to expect. See you next year!

73, Bob/w0bh and Lorna/k0why

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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