[3830] PaQP W3CG M/M LP

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Wed Oct 12 10:27:06 EDT 2016

Pennsylvania QSO Party

Call: W3CG
Operator(s): WA3A N3KZI KC2AKT AA2AD
Station: W3CG

Class: M/M LP
Operating Time (hrs): 20

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  RTTY Qs  PSK31 Qs
  160:   27     23                 
   80:  135    183                 
   40:  233    425                 
   20:  112     32                 
   15:   22      4                 
   10:    2      2                 
    6:    2      2                 
    2:           1                 
Total:  533    672      0         0  Mults = 137  Total Score = 239,106

Club: Allegheny Valley Radio Association


After several years of neck-breaking, breath-taking county hopping, the W3CG
team decided to try a different approach to 2016’s PAQP. We started planning
our county line expedition even before Mike announced the County Line Plaque.
Our goal was to meaningfully activate as many moderately rare counties as
possible. Hearing about the new plaque made the effort more attractive, but was
not the only consideration.
     The actual ELK/FOR/MCK/WAR county line monument is almost directly under
high tension power lines and on a very steep incline. Induced current from the
power lines made it impossible to operate right at the monument. With Mike’s
blessing, we set up on an old gas well pad, a bit less than 200 yards SW of the
monument. Steve (WA3A) drove hundreds of miles to make five preliminary scouting
trips to the site, and made our two antennas: balance-fed doublets, one cut for
160 meters and one for 80 meters, loaded through tuners. Two K3s shared N1MM+
via an old wireless router, all powered by a single marvelous Honda generator.
Laurie (N3KZI) fed us well, kept camp clean and organized, and made a contact.
Peter (AA2AD) put the network together and operated CW. Dave (KC2AKT) was our
SSB ringer. WA3A filled in on both stations as needed.
     Saturday afternoon weather was dreary, but eventually the sun did come
out, making it easier to ignore chilly temps on Sunday. All edibles were locked
in the trucks overnight, to discourage bears. A pack of coyotes howled nearby at
3:00AM. No bears or coyotes entered camp. Our only visitor was Tom, N2CU/m, who
stopped by late Sunday morning. Thanks for the visit, Tom!
     We will be submitting our log shortly. It shows about 1,200 Qs and about
238,000 points. When it comes to interpreting the rules, we gladly bow to the
decisions of the folks who work so hard to put this thing together.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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