[3830] WAG LZ5R(LZ2HM) SO Mixed HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Oct 17 05:38:00 EDT 2016

Worked All Germany Contest

Call: LZ5R
Operator(s): LZ2HM
Station: LZ1KFM

Class: SO Mixed HP
QTH: Plovdiv
Operating Time (hrs): 22
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  SSB Qs  Mults
   80:  183      79     26
   40:  199     151     26
   20:  198     358     25
   15:   65      72     25
   10:   36       0     15
Total:  681     660    117  Total Score = 469,638



Didn't work well and ended with small chaos in nummbers regarding no proper
setup of new software log.... Kresha, I need more personal lesson with its ;) 
More of the time work S/P in both radios

Amazing activity by the Germans,though.Wish a more federation&clubs make
activity like them.

10m was like VHF contest :) signal coming from everywhere congratulation to
Adi(S55M)9A1P for good results there 800km less that LZ<>DL 

My sincere thanks to LZ1KFM friends for letting me use the station.

See you all in CQWW SSB
73! Andy 

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