[3830] JIDX CW NA6O SOSB/20 HP

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Sun Apr 9 02:58:43 EDT 2017

JIDX CW Contest

Call: NA6O
Operator(s): NA6O
Station: NA6O

Class: SOSB/20 HP
QTH: Oakley, CA
Operating Time (hrs): 9

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   20:  272    43
Total:  272    43  Total Score = 11,696

Club: Northern California Contest Club


K3, Alpha 76, Yagi stack, N1MM+

My main objective was to beat the old record of 8938 points. No problem there!
Now to see if I came out on top this year...

Showed up at midnight hoping that 20 might be open at the starting gun. Nope.
Got up early hoping that it might be open for awhile at dawn. Nope. Noodled
around all morning waiting for an opening. Nope. Finally got my first Q at
1950z, then things ramped up quickly. The band seemed to stay open forever but
the JAs eventually pointed at EU and it was all fished out anyway by about
0600z. Another hour of CQing got me one dupe.  

Conditions were not great, with K = 4 to 5 and an unsettled geomag field almost
all the time. Good thing we weren't working EU. I found that the VOACAP
prediction was dead-on with regards to MUF and band opening/closing to JA.
There was an abrupt blackout around 0500z Sunday that lasted about 15 min. Just
like throwing a switch for propagation. Above all, I am grateful that I did not
pick 15m!!

Thanks to K3EST for his always-enjoyable company while he ran 40m, and of
course to N6RO for use of the station and the contest chili.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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