[3830] GaQP AA4CF Single OpCW HP

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Sun Apr 9 20:15:26 EDT 2017

Georgia QSO Party

Call: AA4CF
Operator(s): AA4CF
Station: AA4CF

Class: Single OpCW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 5.1

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
  160:      2        
   80:     73        
   40:    163        
   20:     76        
Total:    314       0  CW-Dig Mults = 44  Ph Mults = 0  Total Score = 27,544

Club: South East Contest Club


Got a few hours in for CHERokee county, one of my favorite contests!  my 160M
antenna would not tune up for some reason on Saturday night though, must be
cobb webs from not getting on the air enough lately! I checked the connections
today and got it working again, but could only make 2 160 contacts today.  Only
76 contacts on 20M, didn't really try 15M.  Thanks!!!

73, Charlie

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