[3830] GaQP DL3DXX(@DR1A) Single OpCW HP

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Thu Apr 13 05:17:04 EDT 2017

Georgia QSO Party

Call: DL3DXX
Operator(s): DL3DXX
Station: DR1A

Class: Single OpCW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
  160:      0       0
   80:     28       0
   40:     83       0
   20:     79       0
   15:      0       0
   10:      0       0
    6:      0       0
Total:    190       0  CW-Dig Mults = 95  Ph Mults = 0  Total Score = 36,100

Club: Bavarian Contest Club


Difficult propagation this year. No QSO on 15m for the first time.
More QSOs on 40m than on 20m - another first time.

20m was open until 22:00 on Saturday but not for the weaker mobile stations.
Heard the western EU�'s working mobiles I could not hear at all.
Sunday 20m closed short after sunset at 18:30 so I had to take
a 2 hour break before first signals appeared on 40m.
Thrill was working N4N so many times on 80 meters and working N0G
long, long time before his sunset on 40m.

Thanks to all GA stations, especially the tireless mobiles.
mobiles wokd: KN4Y (25x), N0G (24x), N4DU (5x), N4I (10x), 
N4N (48x), NM2L (3x).
Missed W4AN/m and Norm W3DYA/m a lot.

Thanks to the DR1A owners for letting me use this impressive station again.

73, Dietmar DL3DXX

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