[3830] NAQP CW W9RE Single Op LP

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Sun Aug 6 14:29:49 EDT 2017

North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: W9RE
Operator(s): W9RE
Station: W9RE

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  131    35
   80:  248    47
   40:  285    51
   20:  310    57
   15:  105    34
   10:   34    10
Total: 1110   234  Total Score = 259,740

Club: Society of Midwest Contesters

Team: Ad Hoc


Pretty good conditions for the first few hours on the high bands.  A good mix
for us here in the Midwest too bad the E skip didn't hold out like it had in
the previous few days on 10 and 15.  QRN late made 80 and 160 not as productive
as in the past.

Thanks for all who got on and made this another super fun event.  The
exchange/activity level in this make perfect SO2R practice.

Thanks for a few moves although this time many moves didn't work out.  I missed
KY, IL and MI on some of the high bands.

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