[3830] NAQP SSB KH6CJJ Single Op LP

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Sun Aug 20 16:49:55 EDT 2017

North American QSO Party, SSB - August

Call: KH6CJJ
Operator(s): KH6CJJ
Station: KH6CJJ

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Maui, Hawaii
Operating Time (hrs): 6.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   1      1
   80:   1      1
   40:   1      1
   20:  82     23
   15:  12      5
   10:   2      1
Total:  99     32  Total Score = 3,168

Club: Maui Amateur Radio Club

Team: GMCC Gold


Poor conditions made it a struggle. There were lots of times when I could not
work anyone.  It was painful listening to KH7XS work stations I could not even
hear!  Of course his having big antennas up high while I have a small antenna
down low had something to do with it.  Unfortunately I had to QRT before 40
even opened here, so that hurt.  Bottom line though was that I had fun, even
with the frustrations, and that is the point.  Thanks to all that dug me out!

Aloha, Kent

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