[3830] RAC Winter WD0T SO CW LP

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Sat Dec 30 23:17:04 EST 2017

RAC Winter Contest

Call: WD0T
Operator(s): WD0T
Station: WD0T

Class: SO CW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12.5
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  CW Mults  Ph Mults
  160:   14              4          
   80:  152             10          
   40:  146              8          
   20:  243              9          
   15:   26              4          
Total:  581     0       35         0  Total Score = 99,190



Well, that certainly was fun, especially the back and forth competition with
Bill, N0AC,  on the scoreboard, that really kept me in the chair.  I planned
only a little operating, but ended up putting in over 12 hours. 

20/40/80/160 were good, 15m had very spotty openings, and nothing at all heard
on 10m.. 

Great turn out of our VE neighbors, super fun contest, lots of HNY wishes! 73
God Bless! Todd WD0T

Rigs: TS940S and TS450S, 100 watts each. 
Ants: 2 fan dipoles 80/40/20
N1MM logger

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