[3830] WPX CW S56A SO(A)AB LP

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Mon May 29 06:45:11 EDT 2017

CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: S56A
Operator(s): S56A
Station: S56A

Class: SO(A)AB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 28:20

 Band  QSOs
  160:    6
   80:  223
   40:  550
   20:  495
   15:  117
   10:   52
Total: 1443  Prefixes = 768  Total Score = 2,426,688

Club: Rhein Ruhr DX Association


CW robot plans disturbed by sudden XYL leg finger surgery and my extensive
social activities.  Not even IC-775 used despite completed COM interface. 
Fortunately old FT-1000MP had only one 40 m TX LPF relay short break running 50
- 100 W.  I had few runs on 40/80 m but no luck on higher bands.

I started 20 minutes late due to good TV movie but pushed until 7 AM and
continued after only 3 hours sleep.  Enjoyed 3 x KH6 and XO1X over North aurora
but condx deteriorated later.  More fun occured on Sunday evening with EU short
skip on 10/15 m.  Sporadic E allowed EA to UR QSO enabling 9A1A DD0CC DL6KVA
EC2DX G5O LY2XW LY4A LY5E P33W RU1A S51A on 5 bands.  Missed K1ZZ at NW7R again
while N3RD called!  Even disturbed ionosphere could be fun :-)

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU

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