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Mon May 29 10:19:52 EDT 2017

CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: KD4D
Operator(s): KD4D
Station: N3HBX

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 36
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
   80:   34
   40:  814
   20: 1263
   15:  229
Total: 2340  Prefixes = 886  Total Score = 5,592,432

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Our usual M/2 effort didn't materialize so I decided to do my first single
operator, all-band effort in WPX.  I have a lot to learn about late May
propogation and WPX Strategy!  This was a fun effort and I worked on removing
some of my "rust" from SO2R operation with N1MM.

Thanks again to John Evans, N3HBX, for letting me take his contest station for
another spin.  All of the work he has put into antenna maintenance really paid

Definitely a tale of two contests.  Conditions Friday night and Saturday were
better than expected.  80 was too noisy on Saturday night to do much.

Sunday's conditions weren't better than expected.  20 meters was broken Sunday
morning - I spent too much time early in the morning trying to run on 20
meters.  What I should have been doing was running the US on 40 meters!  I
finally switched to 40 after a couple of hours - around 9:00AM EDT.

20 meters recovered somewhat Sunday afternoon.  Europe on 40 meters in the last
hour never really materialized and the whole day Sunday was a slog.

See you in IARU!


Mark, KD4D

Day        Hr   3.5  7    14   21   Tot  Accum 
2017-05-27 00   0    97   13   0    110  110   
2017-05-27 01   0    104  13   0    117  227   
2017-05-27 02   0    84   16   0    100  327   
2017-05-27 03   0    61   24   0    85   412   
2017-05-27 04   0    48   26   0    74   486   
2017-05-27 05   0    52   13   0    65   551   
2017-05-27 06   0    25   6    0    31   582   
2017-05-27 10   0    0    91   0    91   673   
2017-05-27 11   0    0    99   1    100  773   
2017-05-27 12   0    0    46   8    54   827   
2017-05-27 13   0    0    71   18   89   916   
2017-05-27 14   0    0    33   47   80   996   
2017-05-27 15   0    0    55   17   72   1068  
2017-05-27 16   0    0    77   10   87   1155  
2017-05-27 17   0    0    71   10   81   1236  
2017-05-27 18   0    0    1    1    2    1238  
2017-05-27 19   0    0    50   10   60   1298  
2017-05-27 20   0    0    62   11   73   1371  
2017-05-27 21   0    0    64   8    72   1443  
2017-05-27 22   0    10   45   3    58   1501  
2017-05-27 23   0    40   19   0    59   1560  
2017-05-28 00   4    60   8    0    72   1632  
2017-05-28 01   16   42   0    0    58   1690  
2017-05-28 02   0    45   10   0    55   1745  
2017-05-28 03   14   13   3    0    30   1775  
2017-05-28 04   0    16   17   0    33   1808  
2017-05-28 10   0    13   3    0    16   1824  
2017-05-28 11   0    15   9    0    24   1848  
2017-05-28 12   0    37   10   0    47   1895  
2017-05-28 13   0    11   26   0    37   1932  
2017-05-28 14   0    1    3    0    4    1936  
2017-05-28 15   0    0    32   2    34   1970  
2017-05-28 16   0    0    15   9    24   1994  
2017-05-28 17   0    0    14   27   41   2035  
2017-05-28 19   0    0    36   9    45   2080  
2017-05-28 20   0    0    19   28   47   2127  
2017-05-28 21   0    0    66   9    75   2202  
2017-05-28 22   0    1    69   1    71   2273  
2017-05-28 23   0    39   28   0    67   2340  
Total 0    34   814  1263 229  2340 2340

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