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Sun Oct 15 13:13:24 EDT 2017

Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB

Call: RT2A
Operator(s): SM6LRR
Station: UA3AB

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Nr Moscow
Operating Time (hrs): 19

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   98      
   40:  191      
   20:  119      
   15:   31      
   10:   44      
Total:  483   128  Total Score = 61,824



Challenging year even compared to 2016. Worked my first SAC from UA3AB's
excellent QTH, with stacks on 10-40 meters and nice 3 element yagi on 80. The
latter one I forgot to ask Andy how to tune on upper part of the band, so for
sure lost both QSOs and MULTs due to that mistake. Ran barefoot above 3700 kHz
and HP on 3600-3650. Unfortunately, seems the Scandinavian S&P's mainly
populate 3700-3800, so a bit disappointing score on 80. However, 40 performed
very well with almost 200 Scandinavians. 20 really did not open up in the way I
expected, and 10/15 were the "normal" strange Tropo openings that have
become so important for my Mult count in past years. This time, it seems also to
have been open to the south on 10, which maybe will result in losing the Top
Position to some German, Ukrainian or Italian Big Gun. Will be looking on
Claimed Scores with interest to see in which category some of the high QSO
stations participated. I have a feeling that they were Assisted, as they seldom
bothered me when I found stations Search and Pounce.

Thank you as always for all Scandinavians who agreed to QSY to 10 and 15 meters
at "strange times". My estimation is that at least 80-85% of those
QSYs resulted in contacts, so hopefully I also gave away some EU Russia mults
to those who helped me with multipliers. I forgot the summary that shows
multipliers per band, so my estimation is that 10 and 15 represented 18+12 = 30
very useful multipliers. I hope that will be sufficient :)

Thank you to Andrey UA3AB for letting me use his excellent station!

73 de Mats RM2D (SM6LRR) @ RT2A

PS  Many 5 Band QSOs, but log remained with Andy UA3AB, so no chance to
remember all. Special five-banders were OH6QU and OH6RE that were 5 QSOs/nands
in a row as a result of QSY! Excellent ops and good ears on 10/15 and daytime
on 80.

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