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Mon Oct 30 23:29:34 EDT 2017

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: VA7BEC
Operator(s): VA7BEC
Station: VA7BEC

Class: SOAB(A) LP
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
   80:    1     1        1
   40:   38     5        3
   20:  255    17       52
   15:  234    19       35
Total:  528    42       91  Total Score = 159,866

Club: Orca DX and Contest Club


Had a lot of multi-tasking during the weekend, including work, which made CQWW
SSB a part-time effort this year. 

I did notice that despite purported awful conditions, if any operator was
beaming -- and listening -- in my direction, I got picked up right away or the
signal to me when I CQ'd was beautifully clear and nicely above any perceived
noise. Case in point: EU. When a few stations acknowledged me with my full
callsign on the first try and commented that my signal was strong, I figured
I'd give CQing a try. Managed to enjoy a slow-rate pileup for about an hour. :)
That was fun! 

Overall, CQing did not produce the kind of results achieved in years past. Many
reasons for this, of course, but I'd have to say one of the biggest factors was
a lack of on-air manners. There was a huge increase in the number of operators
who didn't bother to listen before they started to CQ. Yes, of course, I
realize that when conditions are poor, several operators may be running on the
same frequency without impacting each other and then all of a sudden conditions
improve and running becomes a very frustrating effort indeed. Sometimes, running
stations are on the same frequency. Sometimes, they are splattering over way too
many kilocycles and the S&P stations are off-frequency in responding to the
CQ. In either case, the end result is usually that QSO content is obliterated.
What a time-wasting shame.  

Given time constraints, band conditions and slow run-rates, I did not expect to
turn in a very good score. I knew my usual target of at least 1,000 Qs would be
impossible. I aimed instead for a conservative 500 Qs, and I beat that in the
end. Score… meh.

Highlights: 1) a ZS answering my CQ on 15m Saturday morning, 2) a short but
enjoyable EU run on 20m on Sunday, and 3) more than the usual number of
compliments about my lovely voice and YL presence (which lifted my spirits when
I was lamenting an almost non-existent run rate). It was also great to hear
familiar callsigns and exchange a quick hello along with 5903.

Special thanks to all the operators, particularly DX from my in-Canada
perspective, who turned their antennas toward BC or took a moment amid their
pileups to ask if there were any stations on the West Coast. Timing, it
appears, is becoming as crucial to log-building as location. 

33 (to the other YLs) and 73 (to the OMs),
Rebecca VA7BEC

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