[3830] EUHF Champ MM3AWD SO Mixed QRP

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Sat Aug 4 20:19:44 EDT 2018

                    European HF Championship

Call: MM3AWD
Operator(s): MM3AWD
Station: MM3AWD

Class: SO Mixed QRP
QTH: Old Deer (Home QTH)
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:    1      0      1
   80:  111     15     46
   40:  153     35     58
   20:  215    147     63
   15:  116     78     55
   10:   59     14     41
Total:  655    289    264  Total Score = 249,216

Club: Interest Group RTTY


One of the best contesting experiences in my lifetime.
The propagation gods were really looking down on us, everything ran as sweet as
a nut!

I had originally set myself what i thought would be a safe target of 500 Q's, I
PASSED that after 6 hours.

I cant remember the last time i worked over 200 people on 15m during a contest.

Although there is no QRP category i was as usual running 5W and just enjoying
myself. It really shows that when everything is right big number can really be
achieved, even with QRP!
I managed to run successfully for long periods on some relatively clear

The only downpoint of this one was i hadnt put my 160m antenna up, so i missed
lots of mults/Q's on that band!

Thanks very much to everyone, it was a great pleasure.

Yaesu FT1000MP @ 5 Watts // 133' long Doublet @ 30 feet // N1MM+ Logger

73, Scott

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