[3830] RTTY Roundup N4IQ SO Unlimited HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Jan 7 19:23:29 EST 2018


Call: N4IQ
Operator(s): N4IQ
Station: N4IQ

Class: SO Unlimited HP
QTH: SC - Greenville
Operating Time (hrs): 23
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
   80:  345
   40:  423
   20:  416
   15:  128
Total: 1312  State/Prov = 57  Countries = 41  Total Score = 128,576

Club: Swamp Fox Contest Group


Band    QSOs     Pts  Sec  DXC  Pt/Q
   3.5     345     345    2    1   1.0
     7     423     423    8   11   1.0
    14     416     416   39   22   1.0
    21     128     128    8    7   1.0
 Total    1312    1312   57   41   1.0

Score: 128,576  23 Hr  SO2R

Except for HORRENDOUS power line noise on 40M, operating
conditions were pretty good.  This is my favorite contest,
bar none. Plenty of DX - JAs, EU and SA.  Lots of NA's.  
Managed to bag all states and 8/12 provinces. I sure enjoyed
the 6 hours off for sleeping during the wee hours. Thanks to
everyone (ARRL & ops) for making this a fun event.

Only problem - N1MM would not take the KL7 and KH6 log entries 
with serial numbers.  I had to force N1MM+ to take them so I
do not know if the score is reflective of those DX stations.
Must be a bug.  Any one else have this problem?????

2x TS590's; 2x 500w; 160M C Windom (used on 40M)
2x 40/20M Super Loops NE/SW & NW/SE (used on 20M);
2x 30/15M Super Loops NE/SW & NW/SE (used on 15M);
80M C Widom (used on 80M); K9RY RX Loops; SDR Pans; 

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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