[3830] NewEngQP K1ESE(@W1IMD) M/S HP

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Sun May 6 20:41:10 EDT 2018

                    New England QSO Party

Call: K1ESE
Operator(s): K1ESE W1HIS
Station: W1IMD

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Maine
Operating Time (hrs): 20
Remote Operation

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   80:    119        
   40:    415        
   20:    414        
   15:     21        
Total:    969       0  Mults = 79  Total Score = 153,102

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Chuck W1HIS and I K1ESE want to thank Paul W1IMD for the use of his great
station.  With a great deal of help from Paul we were able to operate completely
remote, each at our own homes.

Both hardware and software performed well.  The Flex 6300 radio, a KPA-500 amp,
and the wonderful antennas at W1IMD were a pleasure to use.

The only difficulties were that CW was all sent by keyboard.  It was a learning
experience, at least for me, and it was awkward to give the usual hello's and
good luck's to friends in the middle of trying to find which combination of keys
were needed to make it happen.  My typing is much slower than my paddling.  So
if we rushed through your contact it was only due to a lack of keyboard skill.

The other thing that was new to both of us was antennas that rotate.  Very
different for the "wire antenna guys".

73 de K1ESE and W1HIS

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