[3830] WPX SSB KT5J(@K5TR) M/S HP

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Wed Apr 3 23:50:10 EDT 2019

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB - 2019

Call: KT5J
Operator(s): K5TMT K5JM K5TR
Station: K5TR

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 45

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:  225
   40: 1549
   20: 1763
   15:   46
   10:    9
Total: 3592  Prefixes = 986  Total Score = 7,144,556

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club


Not the greatest conditions but I still had a great time.  The first hours of
this contest can be a rush. This year I averaged over 200/hr rates for the first
three hours.  That was fun start.  Decided to do M/S this time.  I invited a few
folks over but for various reasons two of them could not make it in the end. 
This resulted in me operating a lot of the contest by myself.  Early Sunday
morning I finally gave in and slept for a few hours. 
Two fairly new amateurs did come out and get some chair time. Midday Saturday
Matt K5TMT showed up and I put him to work right away and took the chance to
take a shower and lay down a bit.  I think I got some sleep in a chair next to
him and then on the bed getting a bit of sleep before he had to leave.  I think
Matt got in 3 or 4 hours of operating time.  Late Sunday Sam K5JM dropped by and
got in about 2 hours of operating.  I think both of them had a good time and I
hope both of them can make it back out for more contests in the future. 

Station: http://www.k5tr.net/
2x Elecraft K3 radios (tnx k5ot)
Alpha 87A
Ameritron AL-1500
trlinux - http://kkn.net/trlinux

- 1/4 wave sloping verticals sloped east and west
- SAL-30 RX array
- NE, NW, SE, SW beverages ~500' long

- Half wave sloping dipoles
- sloped NE, NW from 120'
- SAL-30 RX array
- NE, NW, SE, SW beverages ~500' long

- 4 element yagi at 120'
- Cushcraft 40-2CD at 87'

- 6 element yagi at 80' fixed NE
- 6 element yagi at 80'
- 6 element yagi 40' fixed NW
- 4 element yagi 60' fixed SE

- 6 element yagi at 70'
- 6 element yagi at 35' fixed NE
- 4 element yagi at 50' fixed SE

- 6 element yagi at 60'
- 6 element yagi at 30' fixed NE
- 4 element yagi at 40' fixed SE
- 6 element yagi at 120'


    Callsign Used : KT5J
        Operators : K5TMT K5JM

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   

   80SSB     227         225        472       61 
   40SSB    1573        1549       3877      471 
   20SSB    1798        1763       2736      421 
   15SSB      46          46        136       28 
   10SSB       9           9         25        5 

 Totals     3653        3592       7246      986 

    Final Score = 7144556 points.

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0   168  1063  1238     0     1    2470
  VE calls    =      0    16    73   105     0     0     194
  N.A. calls  =      0     8    29    31     2     0      70
  S.A. calls  =      0     5    17    60    44     8     134
  Euro calls  =      0    23    90   311     0     0     424
  Afrc calls  =      0     3     6     8     0     0      17
  Asia calls  =      0     0     5     8     0     0      13
  JA calls    =      0     2   182    27     0     0     211
  Ocen calls  =      0     2   108    10     0     0     120

  Total calls =      0   227  1573  1798    46     9    3653

Cabrillo Statistics           (Version 10g)           by K5KA & N6TV


-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
0000       0      0     75    119      0      0    194    194    5.4
0100       0      0    223      0      0      0    223    417   11.6
0200       0      0    202      0      0      0    202    619   17.2
0300       0      9    115      0      0      0    124    743   20.7
0400       0    121      0      0      0      0    121    864   24.1
0500       0      5     97      0      0      0    102    966   26.9
0600       0      0     51      0      0      0     51   1017   28.3
0700       0      0     59      0      0      0     59   1076   30.0
0800       0      0     66      0      0      0     66   1142   31.8
0900       0      0     36      0      0      0     36   1178   32.8
1000       0      0     41      0      0      0     41   1219   33.9
1100       0      0     50      0      0      0     50   1269   35.3
1200       0      0     40      0      0      0     40   1309   36.4
1300       0      0     17     53      0      0     70   1379   38.4
1400       0      0      0    103      0      0    103   1482   41.3
1500       0      0      0    111      0      0    111   1593   44.3
1600       0      0      0    131      0      0    131   1724   48.0
1700       0      0      0     92      0      0     92   1816   50.6
1800       0      0      0     34     29      1     64   1880   52.3
1900       0      0      0     10      0      8     18   1898   52.8
2000       0      0      0      0     16      0     16   1914   53.3
2100       0      0      0     49      1      0     50   1964   54.7
2200       0      0      0     65      0      0     65   2029   56.5
2300       0      0     16     30      0      0     46   2075   57.8
0000       0      1      0     58      0      0     59   2134   59.4
0100       0      0     42     47      0      0     89   2223   61.9
0200       0      0    111      0      0      0    111   2334   65.0
0300       0      0     92      0      0      0     92   2426   67.5
0400       0     63     21      0      0      0     84   2510   69.9
0500       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2510   69.9
0600       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2510   69.9
0700       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2510   69.9
0800       0      3     56      0      0      0     59   2569   71.5
0900       0      0     61      0      0      0     61   2630   73.2
1000       0      0     47      0      0      0     47   2677   74.5
1100       0     19     19      0      0      0     38   2715   75.6
1200       0      4      0     23      0      0     27   2742   76.3
1300       0      0      0     95      0      0     95   2837   79.0
1400       0      0      0     94      0      0     94   2931   81.6
1500       0      0      0    109      0      0    109   3040   84.6
1600       0      0      0     90      0      0     90   3130   87.1
1700       0      0      0     77      0      0     77   3207   89.3
1800       0      0      0     81      0      0     81   3288   91.5
1900       0      0      0     87      0      0     87   3375   94.0
2000       0      0      0     69      0      0     69   3444   95.9
2100       0      0      0     48      0      0     48   3492   97.2
2200       0      0      0     43      0      0     43   3535   98.4
2300       0      0     12     45      0      0     57   3592  100.0
Total      0    225   1549   1763     46      9   3592

Gross QSOs=3653        Dupes=61        Net QSOs=3592

Unique callsigns worked = 2846

The best 60 minute rate was 233/hour from 0049 to 0148
The best 30 minute rate was 242/hour from 0058 to 0127
The best 10 minute rate was 276/hour from 0118 to 0127

The best 1 minute rates were:
 6 QSOs/minute    9 times.
 5 QSOs/minute   43 times.
 4 QSOs/minute  128 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  262 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  577 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  871 times.

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   3         8
   4      1230
   5      1396
   6       943
   7         7
   8         5
   9         3

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands    2218
2 bands     512
3 bands     114
4 bands       2
5 bands       0
6 bands       0

------- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O s ------
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs      0     58    957   1172     25      6

HR    160     80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT CUM TOTAL  SCORE
--   -----  ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ---------  -----
 0    ---     ---     75/49   119/82     ---      ---   194/131  194/131  0.04M
 1    ---     ---    223/93     ---      ---      ---   223/93   417/224  0.12M
 2    ---     ---    204/54     ---      ---      ---   204/54   621/278  0.22M
 3    ---     9/1    119/24     ---      ---      ---   128/25   749/303  0.30M
 4    ---   122/51     ---      ---      ---      ---   122/51   871/354  0.45M
 5    ---     5/1     97/26     ---      ---      ---   102/27   973/381  0.57M
 6    ---     ---     52/16     ---      ---      ---    52/16  1025/397  0.65M
 7    ---     ---     62/24     ---      ---      ---    62/24  1087/421  0.80M
 8    ---     ---     66/21     ---      ---      ---    66/21  1153/442  0.97M
 9    ---     ---     38/13     ---      ---      ---    38/13  1191/455  1.06M
10    ---     ---     41/11     ---      ---      ---    41/11  1232/466  1.17M
11    ---     ---     52/15     ---      ---      ---    52/15  1284/481  1.28M
12    ---     ---     41/14     ---      ---      ---    41/14  1325/495  1.38M
13    ---     ---     18/6     53/23     ---      ---    71/29  1396/524  1.54M
14    ---     ---      ---    103/43     ---      ---   103/43  1499/567  1.78M
15    ---     ---      ---    112/21     ---      ---   112/21  1611/588  1.94M
16    ---     ---      ---    131/26     ---      ---   131/26  1742/614  2.13M
17    ---     ---      ---     95/6      ---      ---    95/6   1837/620  2.21M
18    ---     ---      ---     34/5     29/19     1/1    64/25  1901/645  2.38M
19    ---     ---      ---     10/2      ---      8/4    18/6   1919/651  2.43M
20    ---     ---      ---      ---     16/8      ---    16/8   1935/659  2.49M
21    ---     ---      ---     51/12     1/1      ---    52/13  1987/672  2.60M
22    ---     ---      ---     66/11     ---      ---    66/11  2053/683  2.71M
23    ---     ---     16/16    30/13     ---      ---    46/29  2099/712  2.94M
 0    ---     1/1      ---     62/8      ---      ---    63/9   2162/721  3.04M
 1    ---     ---     43/12    48/4      ---      ---    91/16  2253/737  3.20M
 2    ---     ---    117/20     ---      ---      ---   117/20  2370/757  3.45M
 3    ---     ---     93/11     ---      ---      ---    93/11  2463/768  3.63M
 4    ---    63/6     21/5      ---      ---      ---    84/11  2547/779  3.80M
 5    ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   2547/779  3.80M
 6    ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   2547/779  3.80M
 7    ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   2547/779  3.80M
 8    ---     3/0     56/11     ---      ---      ---    59/11  2606/790  4.10M
 9    ---     ---     61/13     ---      ---      ---    61/13  2667/803  4.42M
10    ---     ---     47/10     ---      ---      ---    47/10  2714/813  4.67M
11    ---    20/1     19/5      ---      ---      ---    39/6   2753/819  4.78M
12    ---     4/0      ---     23/2      ---      ---    27/2   2780/821  4.83M
13    ---     ---      ---     97/42     ---      ---    97/42  2877/863  5.26M
14    ---     ---      ---     94/27     ---      ---    94/27  2971/890  5.59M
15    ---     ---      ---    113/30     ---      ---   113/30  3084/920  5.95M
16    ---     ---      ---     90/15     ---      ---    90/15  3174/935  6.20M
17    ---     ---      ---     77/11     ---      ---    77/11  3251/946  6.37M
18    ---     ---      ---     85/4      ---      ---    85/4   3336/950  6.49M
19    ---     ---      ---     89/11     ---      ---    89/11  3425/961  6.66M
20    ---     ---      ---     72/10     ---      ---    72/10  3497/971  6.83M
21    ---     ---      ---     51/3      ---      ---    51/3   3548/974  6.92M
22    ---     ---      ---     45/6      ---      ---    45/6   3593/980  7.02M
23    ---     ---     12/2     48/4      ---      ---    60/6   3653/986  7.14M
D1   0/0   136/53  1104/382  804/244   46/28     9/5            2099/712
D2   0/0    91/8    469/89   994/177    0/0      0/0            1554/274
TO   0/0   227/61  1573/471 1798/421   46/28     9/5            3653/986

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