[3830] EUHF Champ OL5Y SO Mixed LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 4 05:16:39 EDT 2019

                    European HF Championship - 2019

Call: OL5Y
Operator(s): OL5Y
Station: OL5Y

Class: SO Mixed LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:   89      8     43
   80:  212     38     65
   40:  234     56     63
   20:  177     56     60
   15:  103     17     44
   10:   42      0     25
Total:  857    175    300  Total Score = 309,600

Club: Czech Contest Club


I was always enjoying this contest. In the past I disliked the rule "max 10
band/mode changes" but now I use it as one strategic element and play with
it. In central Europe we have a problem on high bands to make anything except
stations on border of EU so it is impossible to seriously compete with border
regions. But still it is very competitive and fast game, even for LP. Every
minute counts. I made around 70% of QSOs in S&P.
Thank you all for calling me or answering my call! 
RIG: SunSDR MB1 + IC756, microHAM MK2R+, Station masters, Stack master,
160: Inv. V for 40/80/160m @ 19m (63 ft.)
80: Inv. V for 40/80/160m @ 19m, Delta loop (apex up, corner feed)
40: 2-el Quad @ 25m, 3-el Yagi (AD-3446) @ 25m (82 ft.)
20/15/10: 3-el tribander ECO @ 20m (66 ft.), 3el tribander ECO @ 12m, 4-el Quad
@ 25m, 4-el Yagi (AD-3446) @ 25 m (82 ft.)
Backup (sub radio): Inv. V for 40/80/160m @ 10m (33 ft.)
RX: SAL 30

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