[3830] WAE CW KD4D(@W3LPL) Single Op HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Thu Aug 15 12:32:34 EDT 2019

                    WAE DX Contest, CW - 2019

Call: KD4D
Operator(s): KD4D
Station: W3LPL

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 36
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:  178   100   152
   40:  450   517   129
   20:  746   853    98
   15:  159    60    70
Total: 1533  1530   449  Total Score = 1,375,287

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


First of all, thanks to Frank Donovan, W3LPL, for letting me take his
super-station for a spin!  After I did IARU low power, Frank suggested that it
would be easier to connect to the existing station with high-power, using the
existing single-band amplifiers.  The catch is that I needed not only transmit
antenna switching for two radios, but also receive antenna switching and PTT

I build up the switching, got lots of long coax jumpers, and took the
opportunity to automate the antenna switching with two Top Ten Devices Band Aide
decoders.  I use the N1MM broadcast feature for radio frequencies, a short
Python script, and a USB board with 16 SPDT relays for the PTT switching.  This
all worked well.

Conditions on 80 would have been good if it hadn't been so noisy.  Pulling out
callsigns and exchanges was often a struggle Friday and Saturday nights.  On 15,
and to some extent 20, I had very rapid QSB on signals - often, I would lose a
digit or two of a serial number.  This caused lots of requests for repeats!

I am always impressed at how good the European operators are at receiving QTCs. 
Sending them with N1MM+ is easy but I've never had the chance to try receiving

Hourly rates and QSOs by country follow.  Thanks for the QSOs, QTCs, and moves
for multipliers!


Mark, KD4D

Day        Hr   3.5  7    14   21   Tot  Accum 
2019-08-10 00   0    60   26   0    86   86    
2019-08-10 01   54   14   0    0    68   154   
2019-08-10 02   41   9    0    0    50   204   
2019-08-10 03   24   36   0    0    60   264   
2019-08-10 04   3    38   0    0    41   305   
2019-08-10 05   0    50   0    0    50   355   
2019-08-10 06   0    1    0    0    1    356   
2019-08-10 10   0    0    62   1    63   419   
2019-08-10 11   0    0    49   9    58   477   
2019-08-10 12   0    0    46   36   82   559   
2019-08-10 13   0    0    17   26   43   602   
2019-08-10 14   0    0    44   0    44   646   
2019-08-10 15   0    0    38   1    39   685   
2019-08-10 16   0    0    28   6    34   719   
2019-08-10 17   0    0    36   5    41   760   
2019-08-10 18   0    0    49   1    50   810   
2019-08-10 19   0    0    54   0    54   864   
2019-08-10 20   0    0    55   1    56   920   
2019-08-10 21   0    6    43   0    49   969   
2019-08-10 22   0    37   7    0    44   1013  
2019-08-10 23   3    33   2    0    38   1051  
2019-08-11 00   17   14   0    0    31   1082  
2019-08-11 01   14   14   0    0    28   1110  
2019-08-11 02   2    23   0    0    25   1135  
2019-08-11 03   9    20   0    0    29   1164  
2019-08-11 04   8    25   0    0    33   1197  
2019-08-11 05   2    36   0    0    38   1235  
2019-08-11 10   0    0    6    0    6    1241  
2019-08-11 11   0    0    38   0    38   1279  
2019-08-11 12   0    0    36   5    41   1320  
2019-08-11 13   0    0    5    21   26   1346  
2019-08-11 14   0    0    7    10   17   1363  
2019-08-11 15   0    0    8    18   26   1389  
2019-08-11 16   0    0    2    8    10   1399  
2019-08-11 17   0    0    10   11   21   1420  
2019-08-11 18   0    0    1    0    1    1421  
2019-08-11 19   0    1    42   0    43   1464  
2019-08-11 20   0    0    6    0    6    1470  
2019-08-11 21   0    4    18   0    22   1492  
2019-08-11 22   0    14   9    0    23   1515  
2019-08-11 23   1    15   2    0    18   1533  
Total           178  450  746  159  1533 1533  

CountryPrefix 3.5  7    14   21   Tot  Accum 
3A            0    1    0    0    1    1     
4O            1    2    2    1    6    7     
4U1V          1    1    1    0    3    10    
9A            2    7    12   3    24   34    
C3            0    0    1    0    1    35    
CT            1    2    7    1    11   46    
DL            59   139  220  45   463  509   
E7            1    4    5    1    11   520   
EA            4    12   13   6    35   555   
EA6           0    1    1    0    2    557   
EI            1    4    4    1    10   567   
ES            1    2    3    1    7    574   
EU            6    7    12   3    28   602   
F             7    18   32   11   68   670   
G             4    15   30   4    53   723   
GI            0    0    1    0    1    724   
GM            0    2    7    1    10   734   
GW            1    2    3    3    9    743   
HA            4    12   20   3    39   782   
HB            1    9    15   1    26   808   
I             5    19   33   13   70   878   
IS            0    1    1    0    2    880   
IT9           1    1    3    2    7    887   
LA            2    4    7    0    13   900   
LX            1    1    1    1    4    904   
LY            3    3    9    1    16   920   
LZ            5    11   14   3    33   953   
OE            3    8    7    0    18   971   
OH            1    8    14   4    27   998   
OK            3    12   29   0    44   1042  
OM            5    9    11   3    28   1070  
ON            2    7    11   4    24   1094  
OZ            1    5    10   0    16   1110  
PA            2    13   32   9    56   1166  
S5            11   12   19   4    46   1212  
SM            1    9    15   2    27   1239  
SP            7    19   28   3    57   1296  
SV            2    4    5    2    13   1309  
SV9           0    0    1    0    1    1310  
TA1           0    1    1    0    2    1312  
TF            0    0    2    0    2    1314  
TK            0    0    1    1    2    1316  
UA            7    14   32   4    57   1373  
UA2           3    4    3    2    12   1385  
UR            11   24   31   8    74   1459  
YL            1    2    8    2    13   1472  
YO            3    14   16   4    37   1509  
YU            4    4    10   2    20   1529  
Z3            0    1    2    0    3    1532  
Z6            0    0    1    0    1    1533  
Total         178  450  746  159  1533 1533

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