[3830] NAQP SSB K5RM Single Op LP

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Sun Aug 18 10:11:46 EDT 2019

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - August

Call: K5RM
Operator(s): K5RM
Station: K5RM

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5.33

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    1     1
   80:   18    10
   40:  189    31
   20:  123    31
   15:    1     1
   10:    0     0
Total:  332    75  Total Score = 24,900




Tthis is the only SSB contest that I work, and boy is SSB tough.  It's hard to
hear on 80 mtrs in the summer without my beverage's up.  It's been too hot and
too many ticks in the field to put in the effort of putting up and repairing my
beverage's.  Forty was my best band this year, and had some great runs on 40.  I
made a 80 meter dipole Saturday morning for the SSB portion of the band and put
it up at 70' between my two tower's, but didn't do much on 80 do to the noise
level and no beverage's.  Only made one Qso on 15, which right at the start of
the contest. I kept checking 15 and 10 but no activity.  I did get a guy in
Missouri to go to 10 mtrs, but we couldn't hear each other.  Thanks for trying
thogh.  Only made 1 QSO on 160 this time around. Overall not a bad contest,
whish to band condition's were a little better.  I meant to put in more time,
but with condition's the way they were I quit early.  I was also trying out my
new rig to me, an Icom 7600.  Took some time to get the automated CQ and other 
F keys going, but finally figured it out.  I just don't like to talk that much,
wears me out. So a life savor there. I think the IC7600 is going to be a great
rig. I'm planning on selling my K3 and buy another 7600 or a 7610.  Moving away
from Elecraft at this time. 
Thanks to all for the Q's and see everyone this fall for the upcoming contest


Icom 7600
2 El 40 mtr yagi @ 80'
Stack of Tribander's (12 El's) on 100' twr
80 mtr dipole @70'
160 Invert. Vee at 100'

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