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Mon Aug 26 12:57:16 EDT 2019

                    SCC RTTY Championship - 2019

Call: IT9BLB
Operator(s): IT9BLB
Station: IB9T

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Palermo - JM68QE
Operating Time (hrs): 23:20
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   98    50
   40:  246    67
   20:  453    68
   15:  233    64
   10:  172    58
Total: 1202   307  Total Score = 796,665

Club: ARIPA DX Team


I joined this contest in serious mode. Mister Murphy knocked on my door just
after the first "CQ TEST": something muted one of the two radios and I
spent 40 minutes to fix the problem. Fortunately no more troubles until the
contest's, but a freezed interface who made N1MM writing bad numbers into the
frequency field of the log. Some more wasted time to restart and correct.
Thanks to Bostjan S55O @ S51A, who was waiting for me on cqcontest.net, the race
was a full time trill. I was hoping to balance my worst conditions on low band,
because geographic location, with something better in summertime on the high
ones. This would have worked, but the lack of stations on very well opened 10
and 15 meters on short skip, with superb signals, caused hundreds of unanswered 
CQs. Few contesting USA stations on 20, 40 and 80. No openings to JA on 10 and
15. At the end, I finished my contest with an 83.6% overall of EU stations: it
says everything about condition.
Thanks to all stations who gave me precious QSOs and congrats to 5B4AMX for his
winning final score in SOAB HP.
I hope SCC, and other WW contests' sponsors, will keep at least a dedicated
category for RTTY in their future programs about today's RTTY only ones. IMHO a
"pot" for a brute mix of digital modes can only speed up the not
deserved end of RTTY.

one of IB9T

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