[3830] KsQP W0B(@W0BH) Mobile MOST LP
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Fri Aug 30 20:04:05 EDT 2019
Kansas QSO Party - 2019
Call: W0B
Operator(s): W0BH N0QD K0WHY
Station: W0BH
Class: Mobile MOST LP
QTH: 33 KS counties
Operating Time (hrs): 16.4
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Dig Qs
40: 342 55
20: 491 363
Total: 833 418 0 Mults = 53 Total Score = 176,755
The 2019 Kansas QSO Party by W0BH as W0B/m
Kansas was out in full force once again for the 2019 KSQP. All 105 counties were
covered by 56 1x1 calls both CW and SSB. We double-covered all counties, 79
counties were triple or more covered, and 96 counties were covered again on
Sunday. Excellent work by our 12 mobiles, 6 portables, and great fixed stations
resulting in at least two claimed Kansas Sweeps: N6MU and N8II.
Wearing our KSQP T-shirts, XYL Lorna/k0why and I headed out toward the furthest
northeast county in Kansas (Doniphan) on a cool and cloudy morning. One of our
mobiles had to cancel at the last minute, so in addition to W0B, we ran N0U to
help put the U in SUNFLOWER on the air for everyone to find. I recently tore out
my mobile installation and reinstalled it in the Astro van. Besides simplifying
the installation, rewiring things cleaned up some RF issues that occasionally
caused my logging computer to crash on 20m and also played with the van's
ammeter. A nice improvement.
The day really went well from an equipment standpoint, but band conditions were
tough most of the day with weaker signals and noise. The only "glitch"
was me sending CLA instead of CLY for Clay county on 20m until N6MU pointed that
out to me. I'll be sure to correct that in all logs during log checking, so no
one will lose any contacts. Anyone else who did something like that let me know
and I can watch for it.
In Atchison county, we took a short break on the beautiful high grounds of the
St. Scholastica monestary. Lorna had visited there several weeks before and was
quite impressed with the peace and quiet. I did notice we were the only vehicle
with antennas and a ham radio license plate in the lot!
We got back home about an hour before time ran out for the day. I dropped Lorna
off and headed for my last two-county line where everyone was waiting for me.
Low band conditions were good, but 40m was so busy that I didn't have time to go
to 80m. We ended Saturday with 1118 combined contacts, hooked up the batteries
to the battery chargers, and settled in to watch the developing overnight
As forecast, storms moved through central Kansas overnight and were still in the
area when Aaron/n0qd appeared on our doorstep at 8:00am. Aaron has run Sunday
with me the past number of years as N0Q. We delayed our departure a few minutes
to let the rain move out.
Our planned route covered a bunch of counties in south central and southern
Kansas that needed a Sunday operator. Because of the storms, I planned all
highways for this leg and it's lucky I did. We ran through one rain squall in
McPherson county before breaking out into sunshine on the other side of the
front, and we stayed on the back side in the clear after that. Surprisingly,
given the lightning to our south, band conditions were really good compared to
Saturday, with nice loud signals on both 40 and 20.
We kept watching for flooded roads. Driving southeast in Pawnee county, we saw
lots of activity and flashing lights on the highway in front of us. Sure enough,
water flowing over the highway. The highway patrol was there and was letting
cars go through slowly since the water was only an inch or so deep. No danger,
but I'm sure they kept a close eye on it. We also had two bird strikes. The
first was to the front of our car, then a dove hit the SSB antenna stack but
didn't do any damage like the pheasant did a few years ago.
Sunday also had a few minor equipment glitches. The power connector to my
logging computer came loose and caused the computer to go black in the middle of
a contact. It didn't take long to figure out, but during a pileup, it seems like
an eternity! That's another reason I still like mobile logging with a DOS
computer. That type of computer crash doesn't effect the log file, and it just
takes a few seconds to reboot once power is restored.
Aaron and I were also switching headsets which required different connections
for each headset. Towards the end of the event, it appeared that my headset mic
quit, so we switched to Aaron's headset. It turned out I was using a three-pin
to two-pin adapter on the mic connection for Aaron's headset, and I plugged my
"bad" headset into that by mistake. Problem solved, but not until
after the party.
Because of the pileups, we stayed on lines a bit longer than scheduled and
didn't get to my last county of Sedgwick. Fortunately, Wichita is in Sedgwick
county and was well covered by fixed stations, so it made more sense to finish
on the Sumner/Kingman line. In 6 hours on Sunday, we put another 874 contacts in
the log. Both Aaron and I call that a success!
We operated 16.4 hours, 833 miles, 1992 combined Qs, 400 unique calls, 11 dupes,
one radio.
States not worked ------ : AK WY IA
VE not worked ---------- : NS QC AB NT NU YT PE NL
KS worked (6 counties) - : (MCP SAL) ATC JAC JEF GEA
DX worked (5 countries)- : OM DL R F HA
Combined rate : 110/hr
Six-hour Rates
2018 rates not calculated since we made so many stops.
Saturday 1400-2000 --- 104 - 120 - 104 - 114 - 109 - 124 - 114 - 129 -- 86 - 145
Saturday 2000-0200 --- 90 - 102 - 137 - 108 - 111 - 109 - 124 -- 86 -- 67 - 114
Sunday 1400-2000 --- 145 - 192 - 192 - 101 - 127 - 172 - 134 - 106 - 123 - 164
W0B/m County Breakdown (in visited order)
Saturday (512 miles)
01 MCP 69 McPherson
02 SAL 23 Saline
03 OTT 30 Ottawa
04 CLO 50 Cloud
05 REP 40 Republic
06 WAS 46 Washington
07 CLY 56 Clay
08 MSH 30 Marshall
09 NEM 39 Nemaha
10 BRO 32 Brown
11 DON 38 Doniphan
12 ATC 31 Atchison
13 JEF 37 Jefferson
14 JAC 26 Jackson
15 SHA 24 Shawnee
16 POT 20 Pottawatomie
17 WAB 13 Wabaunsee
18 RIL 22 Riley
19 GEA 25 Geary
20 MOR 23 Morris
21 DIC 22 Dickinson
22 MRN 30 Marion
23 HVY 32 Harvey
Sunday (243 miles)
24 RIC 56 Rice
25 BRT 63 Barton
26 PAW 44 Pawnee
27 EDW 44 Edwards
28 STA 65 Stafford
29 PRA 46 Pratt
30 BAR 46 Barber
31 HPR 57 Harper
32 KIN 43 Kingman
33 SUM 29 Sumner
Special thanks to the following ops for 7 or more contacts:
53: N8II
38: N6MU
34: WB9CIF
24: N5RZ
22: K7SV
21: K7TQ
18: KA6BIM
15: WA1SAY
13: K0DEQ K3TW
12: K4BAI
11: K7IA
10: K0HX K2ZR
09: W8PI
1x1 stations worked (3) : (N0K) N0T W0O
Other Kansas worked (0) :
W0BH Award Winners - First Place - Very Honorable Mention
Most overall Qs ---- N8II/53 ----- OM2VL/W6OAT/43 ---- N6MU/38
Most CW Qs --------- N8II/36 ----- WB9CIF/34 --------- N6MU/W6OAT/27
Most PH Qs --------- OM2VL/19 ---- N8II/17 ----------- W6OAT/16
Most counties ------ W6OAT/29 ---- N6MU/N8II/OM2VL/27- WB9CIF/25
THANK YOU to all in and out-of-state sponsors, ops, bonus station crew, and
support team (log-checking, web and stamps) who made this eleventh Kansas QSO
Party so much fun for all. I very much appreciate the support and comments from
individual ops, clubs and teams in Kansas and out. We couldn't do it without
73, Bob/w0bh/w0b with Aaron/n0qd/n0q and Lorna/k0why/n0u
2019 KSQP Coordinator
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