[3830] WWDigi N6EE(@W2/SUMMIT) SOAB HP

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Sat Aug 31 23:41:47 EDT 2019

                    World Wide Digi DX Contest - 2019

Call: N6EE
Operator(s): N6EE
Station: W2/SUMMIT

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 14
Remote Operation

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    0     0
   80:   19     5
   40:  152    32
   20:  228    28
   15:   11     7
   10:    0     0
Total:  410    72  Total Score = 53,856

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Used Remote Ham Radio station in New York, Conditions seemed rather poor
overall. Did OK but when I went to 80M I couldn't work squat. Not sure what the
problem was. I copied just fine and in spite of 800 watts to a full size four
square everybody kept CQing in my face - all nice signals on 80M but no reply to
my calls. Decided it was time to QRT...
Fun, but slow, contest. Thanks for the Q's.

73 and GL to all.
Ron N6EE

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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