[3830] RTTY Roundup AE0EE(@WC0AAA) Single Op LP

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Sat Jan 5 20:31:24 EST 2019

                    ARRL RTTY Roundup

Call: AE0EE
Operator(s): AE0EE
Station: WC0AAA

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 6.5

 Band  RTTY Qs  Dig Qs
   40:    72        
   20:    77        
   15:     2        
   10:     0        
Total:   151       0  State/Prov = 41  Countries = 0  Total Score = 6,191

Club: Minnesota Wireless Assn


37 states/provinces, 4 countries (error in form math).

50 W, OCF dipole hung between two posts far too close to the steel roof of
Bloomington City Hall (right-side-up U antenna instead of inverted V).

I didn't hear much DX on the bands, but did work a few.  US signals were
generally pretty good, though there was some QSB.

I called for a while on 10 m, but with no luck.  The other bands seemed to work,
and 20 and 40 m were all the way to productive.  It was nice to get through most
of the pileups in the first call.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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