[3830] RAC Day K3KU SOAB LP

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Thu Jul 4 23:18:39 EDT 2019

                    RAC Canada Day Contest - 2019

Call: K3KU
Operator(s): K3KU
Station: K3KU

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 18:15

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  CW Mults  Ph Mults
  160:    1      0       0         0
   80:   45      6       5         1
   40:  110     19       9         4
   20:  153     42      10         8
   15:   56     42       6         4
   10:   22      0       5         0
Total:  387    109      35        17  Total Score = 167,752

Club: Radiosport Manitoba


There's no Club Competition, so PVRC doesn't need my points.  Hence, I'm in this
one for Radiosport Manitoba, my other club.

Since my most recent QSY to Winnipeg for Canada Day 2015 I had looked forward to
2019, when July 1 would move far enough from Saturday that I could make another
trip.  Such are the plans of Mankind. Changing family responsibilities keep me
at home. But this July 1 was clear, and I had a chance to make a full effort.
The power company had fixed the arcing that was causing band-killing RFI; the
antenna and feedline had been repaired; the Field Day home-station shakedown
cruise indicated that things were working right, even the recorded voice
messages.  Could I do something significant with 100W and a dipole?  My secret
goal: sneak into the highest non-Canadian SOLP score.  It would take improved
focus (Work SSB! Keep moving! Keep thinking!) and a big BIC effort to beat
stations with better antennas and, likely, better skills.  (NA8V clobbered me in
my last full effort, 2016, operating only 11 hours to my 19.)  The biggest
problem might be operator endurance; my ability to function after staying up all
night has declined in the last couple of years.

So, with all that said (and that's the short version!), how did I do?

Pretty good, for me.  Score about 23% above previous best (2016).  Clear effects
from "short skip" on 20/15/10 this year, and loss of low-band points.

I thought the station worked pretty well, until I heard W4KFC (N3QE) working
stations I could not hear at all.  Tim's wire antennas and location must give
him a better S/N on receive.  I was surprised not to work any Canadians on 160M;
I usually do pretty well in eastern Canada in 160M tests.  I heard only one or
two (VE3CX), and he/they could not hear me.  Perhaps the low bands were just not
working this time, as 80M is also well below expectations, especially SSB.  I'll
have to wait for SS CW to see if the repaired antenna still plays into the
eastern quarter of NA like it used to on 80M.

Speaking of low totals on SSB, I thought I had improved my copying skills
there,and I thought I had really pushed on SSB in this contest (that's where I'd
expect volume), and I FELT like I was doing gangbusters on the 20M and 15M
"short skip".  But the figures show not so, except maybe 15M.  Phone
mults being lower than CW was not a surprise.  Low power is harder on phone, and
I could tell that I was not generating enough S/N to make SSB QSOs out west. 
"CW gets through!"  Maybe I thought some of my CW runs were happening
on phone.  I've been confused the other way before, "remembering" a
phone conversation in CW.

I heard VY1AAA on 20M CW Sunday evening, weak and not making much rate.  Best I
got was a couple of "?" or "AGN".  Contrary to past
experience, the path did not get stronger.  I noted the frequency and kept
checking for a while.  Monday early evening I set up to call CQ around that
freq.  I dumped in a quick "RAC K3KU" to see if I was QRMing
somebody... and heard loud and distinct "VY1AAA VY1AAA". Wow! I sent
him a report, and... nothing.  Not a peep heard, nothing from Whitehorse for
many more minutes of CQing.  I figure three possibilities: 1) a magical short
opening; 2) some joker pulling my chain; 3) auditory hallucinations.

I actually moved a few stations for mults, including two who turned out not to
be mults.  Gotta learn to read the N1MM+ display better.  Moved one VE2 from 80M
(loud) to 160M, but nothing heard.

Flailing around to find some volume or some surprise mults as the contest ended,
I wound up the last 22 minutes CQing on 20M CW.  I got nine Canadians and four
others, so maybe I was doing the right thing.

I shut down right away after those 22 minute of nearly continuous tramnsmitting,
and disconnected the antenna feedline from the oatmeal box choke balun (see
"The Benefits of Memory at https://www.pvrc.org/Newsletters/2018_01.pdf) 
The coax was slightly warm, a couple of watts worth.  Maybe it's time to replace
the 50-year-old RG-59 on the choke.

Fatigue wasn't too bad, but for the last several hours I could tell that my
decision making was slipping.  I slept for only one hour, the rest of my off
time going for alimentary in/out and family obligations.  It's taken me only
three days to be interested in doing it all over again.  See you next July 1. 
Happy Canada Day!

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