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Sun Jul 14 16:01:40 EDT 2019

                    IARU HF World Championship - 2019

Call: VE9AA
Operator(s): VE9AA
Station: VE9AA

QTH: nb
Operating Time (hrs): 21:15
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Zones  HQ Mults
  160:    69            7       11
   80:   311           16       25
   40:   389           22       29
   20:   455           19       23
   15:   407           17       23
   10:   262            9       10
Total:  1893    0      90      121  Total Score = 1,381,839

Club: Maritime Contest Club


The sporadic Es Sat (and to a much lesser degree Sunday) kept me in the game.

I didn't put in a full time effort.  Sometime early Sat afternoon, I ate
something for lunch (the tuna I think ) that gave me a mild case of food
poisoning, so I was in and out of the chair for the next 11-12
hours,(cramps/bloating/gas--use your imagination) then had to finally call it at
2:15am Sunday morning and lay down for 2.75 hrs.  Rates were decent when I went
to bed, but non existent when I got up pre dawn.  Oh well !

I'd have to check, but this *might* be my best IARU score to date, with some
wicked (albeit short) runs....probably after I was spotted. (Hey, thanks !) :-D

I tried a little 2BSIQ for extended periods and saw the rate meter shoot rate
way up briefly.

When I went to 40m early Sunday and was into EU pretty well, I set the WPM dial
to 42wpm and cranked out 200+ stns which was a lot of fun.

When it stopped being fun, I stopped.  I am not a (WRTC) contender with medium
power and wires, but I like to have fun all the same.

Thanks for so many really fine ops.  I got a lot of laughs from the stns who
stopped by and sent back to me at 42-44wpm, which is normally a little above my
normal copying speed, but signals were really FB and only 1-3 stns calling at a
time made it a hoot !

Gross QSOs=1920        Dupes=27        Net QSOs=1893

Unique callsigns worked = 1019

The best 60 minute rate was 181/hour from 2336 to 0035
The best 30 minute rate was 202/hour from 2345 to 0014
The best 10 minute rate was 234/hour from 2349 to 2358

The best 1 minute rates were:
 5 QSOs/minute   18 times.
 4 QSOs/minute   64 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  165 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  323 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  406 times.

There were 559 bandchanges and 260 (13.7%) probable 2nd radio QSOs.

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   2         1
   3         9
   4      1017
   5       640
   6       216
   7         3
   8         6
  10         1
Multi-band QSOs
1 bands     574
2 bands     210
3 bands     117
4 bands      65
5 bands      30
6 bands      23

The following stations were worked on 6 bands:

NV9L        AA3B        VE3MGY      W9PA        W3KB        NA8V        
K8AZ        K9NW        N8UM        KU2M        WB8JUI      K9OM        
N3QE        VE3DZ       W9RE        K9CT        K3WJV       P44W        
S50HQ       NU1AW       TM0HQ       GR2HQ       K9PG        

Thanks everyone for calling in.

It was a good one !

CU (all of a sudden) in the next one.

dit dit
Mike VE9AA 2 X IC7410, 4squares and whatnot. N1MM+

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